new to bruiser

Discussion in 'Bruiser' started by ARCHIVED-g3n0k0m0, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-g3n0k0m0 Guest

    I was wondering if i could get a few opinions from current bruisers. I am new to bruiser but i used to play a monk on eqoa which is totally different. My general question is can i look foward to anything with leveling a bruiser. I am basically leveling my bruiser up with my friend who is a inquis so i dont have to worry about a group. i already have a good guild also, but i wonder what is the future of the class. I have read on the forum that making the bruiser spec for dps is not the best way to go but can it somehow work? Can a bruiser output any respectable damage? i seem to do good damage right now but thats with full MC gear and Masters.
  2. ARCHIVED-Quicksilver74 Guest

    Bruisers can put out good dps, but like many classes, we are very gear dependant.
  3. ARCHIVED-Wengchun Guest

    Gotta go with Crabbok on this, we CAN do good dps but it comes down to gear and knowing your CA's. Go check out an AA build and go from there.
  4. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    g3n0k0m0 wrote:
    The reason that it's not the best way to go is not because it's unsuccessfull in creating high dps but because a pure DPS bruiser is not very usefull in groups and raiding.