new tinkering blueprints?

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by suka, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. suka Well-Known Member

    did we get any new tinkering blueprints? i want to get my tinkering maxed and was looking for new blueprints but there don't seem to be any. did the devs forget to add blueprints to the new tier?
  2. d1anaw Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen any since level 90, maybe even before. I cannot remember.
  3. Finora Well-Known Member

    Last new tinkering blueprints I remember came with COE. Those were for the wormhole generators for Eidolon & Obol and the dislodgers.
  4. Bashem Well-Known Member

    Have there been any talk of EQ2 doing anything more with tinker?
    Be nice if they did as I have 3 TS that are max skill that not had anything new to do in quite some time.
  5. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    There's a tinkering daily quest on the test server. Don't think there are any new blueprints, unfortunately.
  6. Bashem Well-Known Member

    So the daily would be like adorning daily I assume and not a big concern for me now that just one item need the actual skill to use which is the mender bot but not needing that much these days as its easy to get to a mender unless in RAIDs then its def more useful.
  7. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    True. There's also a transmuting daily the 3 and some pretty nice crafting xp at low levels. Not to mention no more rampaging around low level areas while mentored to 5 trying to get stuff to level transmuting with.
    Finora, HaphazardAllure and Bashem like this.
  8. Bashem Well-Known Member

    Transmuting dailies I can see using a lot with alts.
    Finora and HaphazardAllure like this.