New Tank Specialization ?

Discussion in 'General Fighter Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Shredderr, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Shredderr Guest

    Ok so when all of a sudden did the term recovery tank come into exsistence ? Is this because SoE finally admits that leather tanks cannot be fixed ? or are they just unwilling to take the steps necessary to make them an acceptable class to the rest of the gaming community ? Are they going to be boxed into this corner ? Personally I didnt roll a monk to be invited to a group cause the tank or healer sucks and they want me to be there to save their butts but no way will they let me MT cause I am a monk and allthough i can look goood for 30 sec - to 1 min on mobs any harder that may require some time to down .... no way group members will threaten to drop group cause they dont want to get locked to a fail inst .
    I think its wrong to even talk like we are supposed to be a recovery tank . I aalways thought it wroug to begin calling tanks single target and others aoe tanks , but it happened and here we are 6 tank classes 3 tank specializations and aa wont let you choose any you are backed into a corner to do one thing by a brawlers tree and thats find a way to survive . Both leather classes are going to be designated as recovery ? cant even betray if you want to actually tank ? I mean at least a guardian can betray to a berzerker ... An awesome tanking class atm .
  2. ARCHIVED-Gilasil Guest

    Hmmm. Am I missing something here? I was under the impression that brawlers were tanking much better nowadays. I know that I haven't had any trouble staying up in heroic instances (bruiser) and our raiding group often uses a monk as MT. Obviously not all brawlers can MT raids as you've got to have gear, AAs, etc. (I would be a bit nervous as raid MT as I'm still getting geared up -- not that they'll ever ask me as they have plenty of tanks) but I've seen brawlers MT without problems. Perhaps there are certain raid targets brawlers have trouble with? (I'm only talking T9 of course) I just find this a bit of a disconnect to what I've seen in this expansion.
    Of course brawlers have been broken so long it will take awhile for word to get out. Likewise, they may still suck at levels lower then 90 thanks to how SoE more or less fixed the problem. Therefore, people who are still leveling, or just recently made 90, will think that brawlers suck at tanking because, well, they did at the lower levels and will continue to do so until they get lots of AAs and good gear.
    If you truly can't tank an heroic instance with a halfway decent group there are probably things you can do to fix that. You might wander over to a certain flammable forum for some ideas.
    My 2cp anyway.
  3. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Gilasil wrote:
    Brawlers can tank things, but they are nowhere near as effective as plate tanks.
  4. ARCHIVED-Shredderr Guest

    Gilasil wrote:
    I am talking about the upcoming changes to all classes and the talk of making us a recovery tank class no longer capable of MT period perhaps .
  5. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    Can you cite the source of these "upcoming changes," please?
  6. ARCHIVED-Obadiah Guest

    Shredderr wrote:
    That's all speculative until they reveal their New Grand Explanation of the classes.
  7. ARCHIVED-steveatk Guest

    He's refering to the three raid tank roles that Atan suggested in another thread and had some agreement with on a discussion about how tanks could be balanced.
    SOE had no part in that conversation. Have to say that I also agree with the suggestion.
  8. ARCHIVED-Bruener Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
  9. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Bruener wrote:
    We have been down this road, you know the one where you spout off complete lies and then don't even have an answer when presented with factual inarguable evidence, keep on trolling though.
  10. ARCHIVED-Bruener Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
    Yeah I remember this road. The one where you completely under play the abilities of Brawlers in todays game. Than we talk about how you think you are a this superior Brawler to everybody else and yet other Brawlers do just what you seem to be unable to do efficiently.
    Yeah I remember very well. Keep up the good fight though.
  11. ARCHIVED-Landiin Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
    When have you ever know the truth to get in the way of Buener telling a good story?
  12. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    Bruener wrote:
    So, if brawlers are so great, surely you wouldn't object to your avoidance working like ours and you having to be in defensive stance to get any uncontested avoidance then, hmmm?
  13. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Toranx@Crushbone wrote:
    I just see it as comedy now. Sad part is he doesn't realize how great a joke he is.
  14. ARCHIVED-Evette23 Guest

    Bruener wrote:
    You play a shadowknight, no one can take you seriously.
  15. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Aerin@Splitpaw wrote:
    Thanks for cleaering it up.
    And to the OP, I stated the recovery tank role as a raid role. A brawler would still have plenty of survivability and utility needed to tank any heroic content, as they do today.
    However, I was carving out a very clear role for you in raids, something that I don't feel we have today.
  16. ARCHIVED-f0x3r Guest

    be real about this there not going revamp all tank classes
    Atan suggested haveing only two that can be main mt raid tank lol
    all going see is guard buff abit some nerf for sk stance with nerf to crit heal
  17. ARCHIVED-Vasch233 Guest

    Vinka@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I'd take that in a heartbeat, can I get the strikethrough immunity too?
  18. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Ondten@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Sure you can have it only on your defensive stance since thats where we get it.
    EDIT: Strikethrough is the absolutely dumbest raid mechanic next to 46547 curses a fight. They should just get rid of it entirely.
  19. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    I think brawlers should get better hate transfer than swash/assassin ... and then also get an ability to reflect the buffs on them onto a fighter in their group. Then everyone would buff the brawler, he'd put all those buffs onto the MT. If the MT goes down the buffs return to the brawler and he's already in the MT group, which is the best place for him to be to fill in for the MT while they help him recover. Once the MT is ready to go again, the brawler just has one buff to put on the MT and nobody else has to worry about recasting buffs. This would be a pretty cool role to fill in a raid in my opinion.
  20. ARCHIVED-Silzin Guest

    The biggest problem I see with making brawlers not a viable tank in raids, but making them a “snap tank” that can only survive as long as we have a damage immunity up, is that in heroic content it will never work with out over gearing. Just like raiding heroic content is normally designed to have a progression to it, and if u cant tank that mobs at the hardest part of your progression curve that you will not be able to tank the content you need to be able to tank. For example: a monk with out there Myth, and with out the +4% Mit Red/Blue adorn, and with out the gear from Cella and the other harder zones, will never be able to tank Cella with a group of equally geared people. So they will not be able to get the Myth buff so they will be able to take hits more like a plate tank and thus be able to tank harder content.