New spells erasing old (different) spells on Hotbar

Discussion in 'Spells, Abilities, and General Class Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Seraphemme, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Seraphemme Guest

    I know that new spells are supposed to overtake their lower level counterparts on the hotbar. However, that is not the case. Every time I level and new spells pop up, the placement seems random and it erases other spells. For example, I just leveled to 20 and got two new buffs. They popped up on my hotbar and I lost two offensive attack spells. I was in the middle of combat at the time which was very inconvenient to say the least! It's not just me but my two party members as well. What is going on? I'm tired of having to go back into the menu and pull spells to my hotbar - and that all depends on how long it takes me to figure out which spells are missing.
  2. ARCHIVED-Aurelis Guest

    *giggle* I had that happen on my little baby necro just the other day! I was toggling a buff on and off trying to keel a mob and was so confused as to why it wouldn't die...
    For me, the spells popped into the right locations on the hotbar, but on the wrong hotbar. That is to say... My buff was in slot 2 on my third hotbar, and the buff appeared in slot 2 of my second primary hotbar.
    The message in the chat window was also off a tad. It said it was replacing Spell II with Spell III, but really it was replacing Spell with Spell II.
    Intentions, good... implementation, needs a little tweaking! :) I also wonder-- does it take into account apprentice vs. adept and such? Both of my replaced spells were apprentice so I didn't know for certain.
  3. ARCHIVED-Brucifer97 Guest

    Agreed. This is not working as intended.
  4. ARCHIVED-Lader Guest

    Aurelis wrote:
    its supposed to, yes. havent personally levelled with anything above app1
  5. ARCHIVED-Zutan Guest

    That definitely doesnt seem right. I for one do NOT want this feature, even if it is working correctly.
    Often times the 'new' spell is not more powerful than the current version of the spell you have. I'd rather keep the old one until I can upgrade the new one to a better level.
    If we have this change, at least let us disable it.
  6. ARCHIVED-mehisay Guest

    I am seeing the same thing. I leveled up and had a heal replace an attack. Then i leveled up again, i had an attack replace a macro.

    What the heck is going on? Don't you guys test this crap before it goes live??
  7. ARCHIVED-Ralpmet Guest

    The problem comes when you have multiple hotbars set to one place;

    Lets say I have 5 hotbars open.
    Hotbar 1: 1
    Hotbar 2: 2
    Hotbar 3 : 3
    Hotbar 4: 4
    Hotbar 5: 4

    This seems to goof it up. Or that's my theory at least, as it works perfectly as intended for my toons that have all the hotbars set seperately (if you look at the hotbar settings i mean).

    If you guys are having issues with it, maybe try goofing around with that. Someone should get back to this post afterwards and see if that's the issue.

    Edit: If this is the case, then I wouldn't expect them to catch it on test.
  8. ARCHIVED-mehisay Guest

    Ralpmet wrote:
    No, that is not the case. All of my hotbars are different numbers.
  9. ARCHIVED-Ralpmet Guest

    Wish I knew what was different between your toon and my fury, /shrug.
  10. ARCHIVED-raull Guest

    Well im having this problem my self, hot bar 1 also makes a copy of any thiing that is up graded or replaced with a higher lvl verion on hot bar 3, and vice versa.
    I double chekced the setting and all my hot bars are maped right, hot bar 1 is 1 and 3 is 3, iv sent in feed backs, petitions, not shure why this is hapening to some of us and not others, but it is some what agravating to say the least. and it does impact the game, nothing like losing abilitys in the midle of an encounter because you lvled on a mob.
    Whats more is most of the feedback here is peeps dont want this change, i for one do not, i can move new abilitys my self and dont need it to auto overwrite existing abilitys. in some cases peeps have a lower lvl master being over writen by an apprentice where the master is still superior.
    SOE, revert these changes back, there not needed and not wanted.
  11. ARCHIVED-Tigress Guest

    i haven't had this happen to me that i noticed but it has happened to a friend, often. i wasn't really paying attn to it, though.
    it does, however, still replace spells when it says that it won't. please, i want to shut this feature off. please give me the option. right now, i ahve to either immediately look at my spell book to compare them or save it for an afternoon. since they are often popping up while i'm in the fighting, i'll be wasting an afternoon ensuring that i haven't lost spells and/or didn't get bad upgrades.
    please give me the option to NOT have this feature active. thank you.
  12. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    mehisay wrote:
    So do mine.
    I tried to swap a pair of them to see if that'd fix it on my dirge. her numbering is:
    but the keybindings in the keybind section lists them(according to modifier)

    Anything that is on 3, when I get a new version, it pops into the same spot on bar 4 below it, and in the corresponding spot, say if the ability is on button 3, it shows up in button 3 on bar 4 below it instead. I thought swapping the bars physically would fix it. nope.
    They're all aligned right on top of each other on the lower right hand portion of my screen, stacked in a grid type thing. It's annoying to say the least. Havent had it happen to my main bar yet though.
  13. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    raull wrote:
    there's a major competitor game that does this exact feature they're trying to implement and while I'll admit it is handy there, it works. There are no player crafted or dropped upgrade, if you have attack rank 1, you get attack rank 2 from the trainer and that's IT. You don't go find a crafter to make a better version of attack rank 1.
    That's probably why it works. Here, it's kind of annoying, unless they make it so that it ALWAYS replaces regardless, and that the next rank/version is ALWAYS better than even the grandmaster of the spell before it in the line so that you'd be forced to upgrade it anyways because it'd be better, even at apprentice level.
    If it's always a forced upgrade, and always something you'd replace anyways because the new version made your grandmaster suck in comparison, then there wouldn't be any reason to have it NOT always upgrade and thus eliminate some ofthe problem.