New sig... would enjoy your feedback.

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by ARCHIVED-Balrok, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Balrok Guest

    So I finally got photoshop... no more 30 day demos. woot!
    Working on a new sig. Can I get some feed back. What do you like better. New sig or current? Suppose I need some edging (border)


  2. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    Oooooo. The new sig, definitely! The only thing that would make it better would be a small border around it, nothing too obtrusive though. That's great!
  3. ARCHIVED-Balrok Guest

    OK, I put an updated version in my original post. Border around it and I changed the clouds and lighting. I didn't like how the clouds were covering my animation. I also saw this gif on a different PC and it exposed the obvious "cut" and overlapping of images. It's still there when the lighting flashes (look at the left side of the lighting cloud), but I think it's less and quick.. so not obvious.
  4. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    I love the changes you made, but perhaps not so bright a white as the border? I think a deep grey color would work nicely and still give the sig a nice effect. And speaking of sigs, I'd better get back to work on Harrdrock's.
  5. ARCHIVED-Balrok Guest

    #1. I want to see what this new sig looks like on the forum.
    #2. As always, suggestions welcomed.
  6. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    OMG! Tell Bryony that Shika says hi! Man, I miss that girl. She was always a blast on Venekor.