New Recepie issues

Discussion in 'Testers Only' started by ARCHIVED-bcbroom, May 19, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-bcbroom Guest

    Armorer: (i'm listing these here instead of buging, because I'm not sure what was intended)

    t4 (feyiron)
    devout plate only exists in chest, legs, helmet (not sure if it was supposed to be the entire set)
    brigandine shoulders have the helmet icon (didnt make this one, not sure if it equips wrong)
    no brigandine chest or legs (they exist for feysteel, but not feyiron)

    The devout armor looked just like the normal feyiron armor, hopefully this will change, but not sure.
  2. ARCHIVED-Deila Guest

    All of my Sage level 50 adept III recipes have vanished from my recipe books. These recipes were previously in the advanced Sage 49 volume, but no longer appear there. There hasn't been an Advanced Sage volume 50 in game to date.
    Level 50 apprentice spell recipes are still there, but now call for t6 raws instead of t5. Similarly, level 60 spells (adept and apprentice) now call for t7 raws instead of t6. I assume this is part of reflowing level/tier relationships where there had previously been level caps. Level 60 recipes (again, adept and apprentice) still appear in the level 59 books, however.
    If a new Advanced Sage vol. 50 has been added to game now, which seems to be the most likely conclusion, shouldn't those who had those recipes from the 49 book be updated / credited with having 50 scribed as well, so we don't just have recipes stripped from our books? As well as added to the Maj'Dul Court Advanced Tradeskill Merchants, the way Sage Essentials 50 has been (on the regular court merchant)?
    If this isn't the cause of my disappearing spell recipes for a full level - where'd they go? :)

    Message Edited by Deila on 05-19-2006 06:38 AM
  3. ARCHIVED-Deila Guest

    Oh, and another Sage spell issue (which may also apply to Jeweler and Alchemist)...
    t6 Ancient Teachings spells still want subcomponents; ink, paper, quill.
  4. ARCHIVED-Ceruline Guest

    Mentioned this in another thread, but currently all T3 plate and chainmail crafted is tagged as cloth armor.

    This likely applies to other tiers, but I'm still working my way up there.
  5. ARCHIVED-bcbroom Guest

    t4 metal armor is tagged as cloth as well, but the 'usable by' classes seem to be correct
  6. ARCHIVED-bcbroom Guest

    I'm assuming this is just a temporary issue, but if not, I will be EXTREMELY dissapointed.
    Newly made feysteel armor (made a feysteel vanguard curias earlier today) use the plain feyiron armor model.
    I would rather all the armor types look unique, but if all the common crafted for a teir need to look the same, then fine. But the rare crafted should look different.
    [Edit: removed duplicate statement]
    Message Edited by bcbroom on 05-19-2006 01:39 PM
  7. ARCHIVED-EtoilePirate Guest

    The wording in some recipes is confusing. For example, I need "Raw etched lteather" to make T4 tailored goods. That's all well and good but the stuff wasn't called etched until *after* it was refined with WORTs before. It's just sullied high quality pelts that the recipes actually want. The game mechanics pull everything fine, and the crafting goes smoothly, but it is a little strange.

    And boy, don't I wish I'd rolled a sage. I'm going to have to make about 20 pairs of boots to level, hehe.
  8. ARCHIVED-bcbroom Guest

    I was going to mention the exact same thing. Either have the raw called Raw High Quality Leather, or have the pelts themselves called etched XX pelt.
  9. ARCHIVED-bcbroom Guest

    Broken recepies (breastplate the past this has meant that the item did not exist)
    cobalt devout greaves
    ebon devout sabatons
    feysteel devour barbute
    steel devout greaves
    blackened iron reverant leggings

    Also, are there recepies in the x6-x9 armor essentials books now? I'm missing a couple of items from each set. I don't have access to the essential books (untill they go back in) but can anyone confirm this?
  10. ARCHIVED-Frens Guest

    Palladium torque (all torques, for that matter) seem to have been removed from the recipe books. This definitely complicates on of the HQs (forget which one though).
  11. ARCHIVED-bcbroom Guest

    t5 armor seems to be missing some peices. Melodic chain and fulginate chain have complete sets. The others are missing some.
    Reverent chain
    has chest peice only (missing the other 6)
    Vanguard, Plate, and Brigandine
    missing chest and legs
    Also, there are some naming inconsistencies. T4 int/wis plate is called devout, but in T5 this is Plate. T7 is back to Devout (haven't done t6 yet, so not sure).
  12. ARCHIVED-Deila Guest

    Strange Black Rock.
  13. ARCHIVED-Bhagpuss Guest

    Can we get the books on the Wholesalers soon, please? Makes it kinda hard to test the changes without them. I know there are workarounds via Haven, but if the books are available there and in-game, could they not be added back to the Wholesaler fairly simply?
  14. ARCHIVED-Heattanu Guest

    The advanced hex doll books (or at least book 1) has not had the recipes converted to the new format. It still asks for roughspun cloth.
  15. ARCHIVED-Frens Guest

    Ash harvesting tools are lore. This is all fine and dandy, cause I can understand not wanting everybody to use 2 of the same type, but it makes it extremely hard to distribute them to my guild and alts. Maybe it can be made so the haste effect doesn't stack instead of the items being lore?

    Also, the recipes for briarwood harvesting tools do not work at all, they have the generic (bugged) BP icon and will not create when I hit create.
  16. ARCHIVED-bcbroom Guest

    more armoring stuff:
    Indium: only plate chest peice is missing for the teir
    melodic - only chest and legs are available (rest missing)
    brigandine - missing chest and legs
    chain - missing arms
    reverent - only chest is available (rest missing)
    plate - missing chest and legs
    devout - missing arms, hat, gloves, and boots
    vanguard - missing chest and legs
  17. ARCHIVED-Tadok Guest

    A couple of Jewelery missing recipies:

    Stay Low swashbuckler CA : this one has been missing for a long time before the tradeskill revamp

    Feigned Bravado swashbuckler CA lvl 32 : mia

    Slip swashbuckler CA lvl 32 : mia

    I havent gotten any higher yet to see if others are missing. These skills are supposed to have upgrades I have seen the adepts. Thanks

    Labb Accident
    <Children of War>
  18. ARCHIVED-Deila Guest

    Leveling my baby Armorer up a bit, and catching some of the missing t3 pieces:
    (Assuming each set is supposed to be complete)
    Carbonite Chainmail (chain, +3 STR / AGI / STA set): Complete, all recipes including imbues present
    Carbonite Brigandine (chain, +3 STA / WIS / INT set): Missing recipes for coat and leggings, and imbue recipes for both
    Carbonite Reverent (chain, +3 STR / WIS / INT set)): Only a coat recipe exists - all other pieces and imbue recipes missing
    Carbonite Vanguard (plate, +3 STR / AGI / STA set): Missing recipes for coat and leggings, and imbue recipes for both
    Carbonite Plate (plate, +3 STA / WIS / INT set): Missing recipes for coat and leggings, and imbue recipes for both. Also, gauntlets have the gussets (forearms) icon
    Carbonite Devout (plate, stat configuration unknown at current level): Only cuirass and greaves recipes exist, missing all others and imbue recipes.

    Note also that the tradeskill recipe merchant in Haven does not carry Armorer Essentials vols. 26-28. If some or all of the above missing recipes appear in those books, that may explain a good part of it - should those recipe books find their way onto the merchant.
  19. ARCHIVED-Frens Guest

    Murkwater Carp is not recognized for Baked Carp
    Griffin Meat is not recognized for Griffon Steak (could be spelling issue)
    Fayberry is not recognized for the second component of Fayberry Juice
    Neither Griffin Meat nor Wild Apple recognized in Griffon Sandwich recipe

    More as I get it.
    Message Edited by Frens on 05-24-2006 05:49 AM