New PVP Adornments - Feedback

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Azomonas, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Azomonas Active Member

    Test kept causing my client to crash, so I'm currently on checking things out on beta. Since I can't take screenshots, I'll just give a brief summary of the new adornments available. Anyone that can provide screens/tests is welcomed. Each adornment costs 3500 havoc marks and bears the "must be engaged in pvp combat" label.

    Imperial Detonation (Secondary) - On damage, 10% chance to proc 520 AE crushing damage, can only proc once every second.

    Imperial Enervenation (Cloak) - On combat or spell hit, decrease target's max health by 5% for 10s. 2x per min.

    Imperial Recovery (Weapons) - On combat or spell hit, heal self for 429. 2x per min. Increases healing amount by 50% for each item adorned.

    Imperial Siphon (Neck/Waist/Cloak/Charms) - On combat or spell hit, inflicts 520 damage on target, heals self for 286. 2x per min. Increases damage/healing amount by 33% for each adornment applied.

    Imperial Smite (Weapons/Charms) - On combat or spell hit, 1040 damage on target. 2x per min. Increases damage by 33% for each item adorned.

    Imperial Toxin (Weapons/Charms) - On combat or spell hit, 520 damage on target instantly and every 4 seconds. 2x per min. Increases damage by 33% for each item adorned.
    Imperial Ward (Secondary) - Wards caster against 1000 points of all damage. 30s immunity on termination. Regenerates 500 damage every 5s.

    Imperial Will (Cloak) - Increases max health of caster by 5%

    Each of the following adornments have a proc effect to modify stats from 100-310 based on the number of items adorned.

    • Imperial Bastion (Weapons/Neck/Waist/Cloak/Charms) - On take damage damage, 10% chance for 10s self-toughness proc.
    • Imperial Languor (Weapons/Neck/Waist/Cloak/Charms) - On combat or spell hit, decrease lethality of target for 10s. 2x per min.
    • Imperial Strength (Weapons/Neck/Waist/Cloak/Charms) - On combat or spell hit, self-lethality proc for 10s. 2x per min.
    • Imperial Vulnerability (Weapons/Neck/Waist/Cloak/Charms) - On combat or spell hit, decrease toughness of target for 10s. 2x per min.
  2. Azomonas Active Member

    A few general thoughts: I'd like to thank the devs for responding to feedback by adding some "flavor" back to pvp gear. These are fairly vanilla, but it's nice to have some options. Specifics:

    1. I really like that you brought a burst/detonation effect back!
    2. With previous incremental gear (thinking bane/burst gear) I thought you could only increase the base effect by 100% regardless of how many additional items you equipped. Will this still be the case, or will it be beneficial to stack the new adornments beyond this? As it stands the Recovery, Siphon, and Toxin could all potentially increase beyond this.
    3. Will each adornment have its own chance to proc, even if adorned on numerous items? Will they stack or merely overwrite? Will two of the same adornments proc independently if adorned on the same item?
  3. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    While I like that they are bringing back pvp centric procs (after the disasterous removal of nearly any sort of proc in pvp...why am I having flashbacks to the gear seperation disaster) it is somewhat comical to say there are for most of these procs pve versions already in game that would have been suitable albeit higher versions (which tbh would have been less work to have them toned downed (not nerfed) for pvp)...but after 8 years of seeing the exact same decisions for pvp mechanics and gear often bad ones repeated I'm not shocked...tbh I forsee them bringing back a whole host of procs to pvp only to remove them again....typical soe continuously making the same bad mistakes in pvp for years...get ready we are about to come full circle.