New player on Nagafen looking for guild

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Rabidx1, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. Rabidx1 New Member

    Hello. i just started back in EQ2 and am looking for a guild. I am currently on Nagafen server and playing a barb fury. name in game is Ichoo. was random name and to good to let go by LOL. anyways i am very interested in guild and moving forward in game to end game. thanks and hope for a reply soon.
  2. Gneaux Active Member

    Good luck trying to do anything on Nagafen. I was a guild leader on that server for years, and finally had enough of not being able to find groups to get anything done, tired of the 14 year old mentalities,broken mechanics, etc. etc. I began xferring my toons off the server a few months ago. If I am going to pay to play this game then I expect to be able to find people to group with. So far getting off of Nagafen has been the best move I've done in years. I'm happy on my new server, no more stressing about being able to get things done in game. No more 14 year old gank fests.What really sucks is that I have a very nice guild hall on the Freeport side just rotting there.
    Xillean likes this.
  3. Rabidx1 New Member

    ok so what sever do u or anyone recommend? cause i just wanna be able to enjoy the game.
  4. Gneaux Active Member

    Antonia Bayle or Freeport are the busiest servers and you can enjoy the game alot having more options to group there. I moved my toons to Oasis and I am still having fun.
  5. Rabidx1 New Member

    well damn...i can switch servers no prob but ill still be guild looking ROFL. urs recruiting?
  6. Gneaux Active Member

    You will see alot more guild recruiting on Antonia Bayle or Freeport servers, so you should not have a problem finding a guild that suits your playstyle.