New play with one question about melee

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by English, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. English New Member

    It seems I don't swing my weapon at all or very rarely. I bought a weapon with 1.6 delay but I only swing about once in every five or so seconds is that as intended or am I missing something. Thanks for any help
  2. Lizabethan Active Member

    This means that your weapon skills are a bit low. Hits on a mob aren't guaranteed, but are more likely with higher skills. This is a totally normal part of leveling!

    Weapon skills can be found on your character sheet (press C > skills > combat). Mouse over your weapon to figure out which combat skill it uses - crushing, piercing, ranged, slashing, etc.
  3. mouser Well-Known Member

    Part of it is the graphics don't exactly match up with what's actually happening mechanics wise. Another issue is you can't use a combat art and an auto-attack at the same time, so the auto-attack gets shifted back timewise if they 'collide'. There is a way to see an auto-attack timer, but I've never worried about it enough to try it out.
  4. ColorsFade Active Member

    EQ2 Button => Options => User Interface => Game Windows => Show AutoAttack Timing Bar. Check it on.

    Use F10 to move the window where you want.

    Use the timer to ensure you launch spells/combat arts between auto attack hits.

    You're going to swing your auto-attack slow at first. This is by design; you get faster as you get equipment that increases your attack speed. Also, at lower levels, you have very few combat arts and spells; you don't have a lot to do between auto-attack swings. This gives you something to grow into.

    As a melee class, auto-attack can be a large portion of your damage.

    Look at your skills. Investigate them and what they do. Damage Per Second, for instance, is a modifier to damage based on increments of 100. Critical Change and Crit Bonus will affect your auto-attack and combat arts. Multi-Attack and Multi-Attack Chance can add damage to surrounding enemies. Figure out what everything does, and then acquire gear/reforge/adorn to tweak the stats to boost what you want.

    Investigate everything. As you level, these skills and stats will increase and improve your ability to attack.

    With maxed Reuse Speed, Casting Speed, etc., you'll have more buttons to press than you can image, and pretty soon there won't be any "dead air" between swings...
    redwoodtreesprite likes this.
  5. Raff Well-Known Member

    The auto attack timer can be very eye opening. Even if you've played this game for years, if you've never worked with the timer, you are missing the boat on max dmg.