New Items Coming to Station Marketplace on 4-21-09

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Kiara, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Nemisiis Guest

    Kurgan@Everfrost wrote:
    I would say that "fluff" is in the eye of the beholder. People who love to make items and decorate consider it a viable part of the game and therefore not fluff. Plus...putting so many "fluffs" in your post makes me want to sneeze! ;)
  2. ARCHIVED-Dreyco Guest

    Arani@Crushbone wrote:
    *Chuckles*. Sorry, couldn't resist! :)
  3. ARCHIVED-Warpig Guest

    Dreyco wrote:
    Dude, you need to be realistic, just wait, give it a year, two you will see just what you have to PAY for versus quest and adventure for.
    It will be RMT everywhere.
  4. ARCHIVED-Dreyco Guest

    Zorastiz@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Doom.... DOOOM!! Doooooom..... DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
  5. ARCHIVED-Lolianna Guest

    I, too, am very disappointed by this. As has been said by many here, this is all carpenters get: FLUFF. Many players are avid decoraters and I absolutely love receiving random tells, or, mail telling me how awesome my home or guild has been decorated. I've spent years perfecting some of my homes (main and alts alike) and reading the Norrathian Homeshow for wonderful ideas that get posted by others.
    If you think home decorating is 'fluff' in this game, you are wrong. It means as much to some of us as getting that cool looking weapon or gi does to others. In fact, before the game was released, when I read that there would be homes and furniture and that you could decorate, THAT is what won me over and the reason I subscribed to eq2. Making furniture and decorating homes is a special niche that came along with EQ2 and I love it.
    There is nothing in our books that is even close to the beauty of this set. I have to wonder why. Why, if it is possible, are these things not in our recipe books? I just don't get it. It also makes me wonder if all of the reallllly nice, most beautiful sets of furniture, will be kept for station cash and not placed in future recipe books. If that is the case, it will really ruin the satisfaction I have had when decorating over the past four plus years. Please don't do this to carpenters; it's just wrong.
  6. ARCHIVED-Isard Guest

    Mock away, but MMO's are moving to micro transactions and RMTs. EQ2 is heading that way.
    The new welcome screen... half of it is advertising for you to spend mony on LoN or SC.
    It's just frustrating when you see new and unique items / styles / textures being created and put in game, but only if you pay.
    After hearing over and over about how the artists resources are limited, the game can only support so many textures, etc, etc, we keep seeing BRAND NEW stuff coming in WEEKLY. It's getting harder and harder to swallow this BS.
    And the defening silence from SOE on these issues speaks volumes.
  7. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    Sir Longsword wrote:
    Ooooooh, someone posted a picture of the lovely alder bookcase for comparison. Hehe, well... not all of the carpenter made stuff is THAT hopeless, is it?
  8. ARCHIVED-Rashaak Guest

    I just find it funny, that because of a piece of a furniture it is going to spell the end of EQ2.

    I can see the headlines now...

    "News at 11! Everquest 2 falls to Home Furnishings!"
    stay tuned!
  9. ARCHIVED-Sir Longsword Guest

    Amphibia wrote:
    No, not all of it...just most of the pre-T7 (except the lights, those aren't bad).

    But really I digress, more SC furniture in '09! And by all means make it cheap, cheap, cheap. 100 SC per item sounds right.

    P.S. Please add some decent bling to the marketplace too because there's nothing good on the broker.
  10. ARCHIVED-Landiin Guest

    Rashaak wrote:
    Rash it is not about of piece of furniture it about what that will lead to. They will toss some crappy fabeled armor item on there to test the waters.. Then it'll be some ToS patterns.. Then it'll be buy a lvl 80 SK today...
  11. ARCHIVED-todamgoood4U Guest

    Toran@Oasis wrote:
    You forgot World Domination! That is sure to follow assumed progression.
    Seriously, I think people aren't looking at this the right way. Maybe instead of shaking your fist in disgust over it...ignore it and get on with your day. OR...better yet...think about whats coming. Maybe this is a small piece of the bigger picture. Maybe its a 'peak' at whats up and coming and for a small price you can get a set a little early. If this furniture looks good, I can't wait to see what the next expansion is sure to bring!
    If we look at progression, the tiers have gotten better and better looking stuff and this is hardly game breaking and those of you who have spent so much time decorating your house...guess what...its still going to look good with or without this one little set. This set of non status stuff isn't infringing on anything you have done.
  12. ARCHIVED-Rashaak Guest

    Toran@Oasis wrote:
    Theres just a bit too much doom and gloom here.
    SoE has already said they would like to move towards RMT rather than Monthly subs, and i really hope they do. I would love to have EQ2 subscription free. The majority of what will be available in-game will be available in-game, not in SC. What I do see in the future is that you will be able to buy plat through SC though...other than that, I seriously doubt there will be anything like Stat based gear or toons...
    Unless they mirror the SC for the Exchange server...
  13. ARCHIVED-Tuppen Guest

    Rashaak wrote:
    One can hope, though, right?
  14. ARCHIVED-Whilhelmina Guest

    I'm a Dark Elf, so I'm a daughter of Innoruuk, Prince of Hate. I HATE you SoE.
    I have a 80 carpenter (20 swash). I ran her through all factions to get special recipes. I ran my main through Moors to get the carpenter recipes there through adventuring. I stockpiled NoTD, Frostfell and Erollisi items. I stockpiled live event furnitures. Just to be able to decorate...
    I don't want to see new items on SC. If it was only those chairs, it wouldn't be that bas as we do have the same in other colors.. The bench... we have benches... But the table... and the CABINET ??? You must be jocking ? Don't add entirely new types of items that can be substituded with anything else in this game ! Come on ! At least if it was only a new color of item or if station cash money dropped in game sometimes... But new items that can only be bought ?
    May Innoruuk see you rot on the Plane of Hate for all eternity !

    A VERY frustrated carpenter.
  15. ARCHIVED-GrunEQ Guest

    todamgood4u said: SoE has already said they would like to move towards RMT rather than Monthly subs, and i really hope they do. I would love to have EQ2 subscription free. The majority of what will be available in-game will be available in-game, not in SC. What I do see in the future is that you will be able to buy plat through SC though...other than that, I seriously doubt there will be anything like Stat based gear or toons...
    Hate to bust your bubble but Smed has already stated that EQ2 will never be subscription you will be paying both subscrition and RMT. Hope you have deep pockets.
  16. ARCHIVED-Tuppen Guest

    If I worked at SoE, I would be giggling greedily while rubbing my sweaty little palms together.
    The reaction to these items simply demonstrates how popular they are going to be when they are released through Station Cash.
  17. ARCHIVED-Rashaak Guest

    GrunEQ wrote:
    They also said there would NEVER be any EPIC weapons in EQ2 and a bunch of other Nevers as well. Never say never in an MMO.
  18. ARCHIVED-Sir Longsword Guest

    Ethin@Lucan DLere wrote:
    If they really want to make some money, they need to start stocking legendary, fabled, mythical loot. Doesn't even have to be over-the-top better like the SC furniture. The same items in game will be fine.
    MEGA Cha-ching!
  19. ARCHIVED-todamgoood4U Guest

    GrunEQ wrote:
    Uhhh...quote button ftw?!??! I didn't say any of that...
  20. ARCHIVED-todamgoood4U Guest

    Whilhelmina@Storms wrote:
    Uh, yea. So how much profit are you projecting to make when these items, along with many more, will be available to be made with the new expansion? Will you still be complaining every time you click your "Take Coin" button?
    It can be assumed that the new furniture will be just as good, if not better, have status in the 1500+ range and every carpenter crying foul here will be pushing out as much of it as they can, marked up as high as they can to make as much plat as they can. The fact of the matter is, this one set isn't cutting into your profits, your decorating, or your ability to play the game, just like everything else they have put in SC.
    So, once again, put down your torches and pitchforks. Your only drawing attention to the issue for those who will buy it, spurring SOE to continue producing more items. Negative attention is still attention, and everyone complaining is just helping make it even more successful.