New Halas Magical Manor <-> Gorrowyn Magical Manor

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Datocus, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Datocus Member

    for people who are evil and they know it, New Halas, being well only slightly Neutral, and refuseing to broker to evil Streat rats like me, with No emenities for me in My New Halas Work shop, I Have to Port to Guild hall Bonk the Trade Feul Man on the noggin, Hit the Broker in the shoulder, then leave the guild hall to port back to my House, (or go into the basement to the housing portal) To many steps when all I want is some lumunous Sand Paper, and some Vulrich Samwitches. Please for the love of Lucilin either make New Halas and Gorrowyn True Neutral, Or make the Magical Manor availble through Gorrowyn or Freeport.
    Shamus9 and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  2. Finora Well-Known Member

    The crafting trainer will sell you books & the fuel merchant in the same area will allow you to buy fuel.

    Broker and banker still hate you though if you are from the other side though. You can use other bankers in the area I think but that's really out of the way.

    ** Just checked & the broker near the scout trainers will allow evils access, as will the mender there. Neither of the 2 bankers actually in town will though. The 2 bankers pretty far from town do, but that's a hike.**
    Shamus9 and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I think there are the equivalents of Magical Manors for all the major cities; you just have to luck out with the LoN decks (I know the feeling...once I found out where the "Magical" place for Southern Qeynos was, I got every Ethernaut pack I could get my hands on for months, if not years. Nothing). I was lucky enough to stumble over a New Halas one and didn't use it for the longest time, debating on which one of my many, many toons would need it the most. Good thing I didn't; I had to vacate Uwk's main house (6-room, 5 Karana Court...still miss it sometimes /sigh) due to Memory issues (why, o WHY couldn't the GMs just unstick me back INTO the house, so I could FIX things?!) and try to put the Moving Crate directly into the New Halas place. No dice. It was ONE item, but the 6-room New Halas only holds 700, and I had more than that in the Crate. Sigh. Place a Mistmoore Crags Estate portal in New Halas. Send the Moving Crate there. Slowly unload it, one bloody item at a time. Gah. :-/

    I know exactly how you feel about the alignments, though...many's the time I've compared the warm, open friendliness of the so-called "evil" Sarnaks with the stuck-up snottiness of the so-called "good" people in New Halas and Kelethin. I guess I could understand Kelethin's attitude; they were still smarting from memories of the war, and are currently being invaded by the nearby Orcs, but what the heck could big Barbarians and doughty Dwarves be afraid of? They're in the same "gotta get the economy up and running well" boat the Sarnak are in, if not worse (think the Sarnak in Gorowyn were there at their place long before the Island of Marr [or whatever it's actually called] showed up); the least they could do is relax a freakin' little. :-/

    Shamus9 likes this.
  4. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    I have been screaming Foul! ever since Halas came into the game.
    It should be as Gorowyn is imho.

    The first crafting questline after the tutorial in done there and not being able to use broker or bank near the crafting area is a huge pita especially for those who haven't done the questline 40 times lol I still have times I go forgetting I'm on an evil toon and end up halfway through having to go back to Gorowyn.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    One thing they did right with that for the evils, though, is we can get the copies of the cool recipes we were disrupting as bad guys. Just mosey on up to where the good guys work with Tami the Halfling once the tradeskill quest line is finished and right-click on the recipe book on the table there; boom, spinning wheel, plates, and bolts of cloth recipes! :)

    Other than that, though, yeah, the whole support services NPC attitude there pretty much sucks. :-/

    I'm just glad I can also do the "food quests" (4 quests; give ability-upping food and some weapons, depending on your class) as evil, too. ;->

    Shamus9 likes this.
  6. Katz Well-Known Member

    I don't think there is a Kelethin or Neriak equivalent yet? If there is let me know because I would love a prestige house for those.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    That, I don't know (would be cool!), but you could check with EQ2 Furniture; they do have a list of Houses there now. :)

  8. Finora Well-Known Member

    I've fussed about it too, Cloud. At least there is a broker available. I wish they'd either go actually neutral or at the very least make the banker near the guild maker guy factionless.
    Katz and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.