New Fabled Zone(s)

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Estred, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Estred Well-Known Member

    So with Fabled Clefts of Rujark and Fabled Pedestal of Sky + Dijin Master Prism. I wished to put my vote in to asking for Permafrost and/or Solusek's Eye to be made into Fabled zones. If I could make a poll I would but I believe that is against the forums rules.

    So topic of discussion: What zone would you like to see made Fabled and why?

    You know mine, Permafrost and Sol Eye. Reason? They are huge Contested Zones with loads of bosses and even some epics. I will admit I have been working on a redesign for Vox that I may ask one of the devs about but that is a later thing, this is about Fabled Zones.
    Feara and Kalderon like this.
  2. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Why not refurbisch the old mythtic 1.0 weaponquest into some new highlevel one.
    Despite of that, i would like to see firemyst gully :)
    Feara likes this.
  3. Praetorian Well-Known Member

    I really think Solusek's Eye needs a Fabled Version, complete with 2 or 3 massive heritage or signature quests that require mob camps!!! We need some EPIC weapons brought back into this game like Prismatic 1 and Peacock and Claymore and Soulfire and Mythicals... Soluseks' eye is just so large and dangerous that it needs an update. Get people grouping back up for these zones.. make the rewards worth it for even high end raiders and people will go.

    Enough new zones... put us back in old zones that matter once again to current content!!

    Keep contested content in there too!!!!
    Feara, Estred and Kalderon like this.
  4. Estred Well-Known Member

    I love new zones as much as the next guy but a good reason to go back and regroup ancient instances would be great. With the 85 Heroic Characters upcoming this also would be great as New Players can experience older content without mentoring. Granted some bosses may need updating but that would be dependent on the team working on it.
    Feara likes this.
  5. azcn2503 Active Member

    +1 for Solusek's Eye! One of my favourite zones, and surprisingly for a day-one dungeon visually impressive. Would be great as a 'Fabled' zone.
  6. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    I go all in for VP ^^ or labor or dt or.... plenty of old zones that can be refurbished and polished and fited with new bling ;)
  7. Chronus Active Member

    I would like to see a revamped Solusek's Eye where you go to ask Nagafaen for advice about what can be done with Kerafrym and so starting a signature quest line. It could be really cool if it actually requires a semi-decent heroic group (something still puggable, like HM Tavalan Abyss difficulty).

    Something from KoS I'd say Labs of Lord Vyemm finding out about more of the Ages End prophecy from flavour text in that zone could be entirely possible.

    Other than that Palace of Ferzuhl had some amazing fights but just doesn't fit in well with current lore to go back to (although neither does DMP /shrug).
  8. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Once i have a dream, a huge quest, starting at the citys of both and following all the good old zones till cobalt where you then can obtain some sort of good lore item from back in the old days (make the old mythic be upgraded.... ^^ sort of)
    Feara likes this.
  9. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    I personally would love to see a brutally hard 100+ version of Stormhold. A re-tooled VP overrun by the awakened would be pretty nice too.
  10. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Don't really care what the zone is as long as the following apply:
    - Not pointless amounts of trash with a billion HP
    - Not a zone that can be soloed/Duoed.
    - A zone that drops worthwhile items that are worth getting on a repeated basis.
    - A zone with Varying difficulty levels (See Temple in Kael for HM etc.)
    - A zone that changes dynamically on a random basis. Give it 10 different tunnels when you zone in. Each one has different mobs, different scripts. Loot can be equal no matter which way you go.
    - A zone that is anything but Emerald Halls.
  11. Quabi Active Member

    I was with you until that. EH was probably my favorite raid zone in the game!
  12. Mohee Active Member

    Peat Bog
    Kalderon likes this.
  13. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Did forget the english name from this zone, otherwise i would have write it myself. Would give the running gag "Lets raid peat bog" some sence ^^
  14. Alphonsus Well-Known Member

    Sorry but Sol Eye was a poorly designed zone (programming wise) which always caused crashes and video card glitches for many people.

    Peat Bog should be a Bristlebane Day raid zone that shows ending game credits when you clear it.