New expansion content

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-crewguy72, May 4, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-crewguy72 Guest

    [p] "Later this month, we'll be releasing the largest free content addition that EQ2 has ever seen. The complement to that experience: The city of Neriak, the large outdoor zone of Darklight Wood, and a new playable race, the Arasai, one of the races who will be able to start there." [/p][p]Ok i have to admit im pretty excited about the expansion even more now![/p][p]Since this news was posted my mind has been busy thinking about what is to come from RoK. These additions are pretty much what most were expecting from the expansion coming but now that we are getting them outside of RoK......... [/p][p]What are the possibilities for the expansion?! [/p][p]Let the dreaming begin :p[/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Vukota Guest

    Here's to hoping Droga & Nurga are large contested dungeons much like SoS!
  3. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Who knows but the Odds of RoK being a 70-80 expaintion (with a few bones thrown to the lower lvles) just went up dramaticly... think about that for a second 1 teir of content the same size or bigger(they have more time with RoK) as EoF....
  4. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    with Neriak out as a Game Update instead.
    RoK will probably be: lvl 65 - 80 if lvl cap increased to 80 (following DoF/KoS pattern).
    Personally, I hope that they dont increase the level cap itself. But instead increase the guild level cap and add another horizontal leveling system like AAs, but one which you can't "access" until you have X number of AAs (like 75+ min).
    Then make the entire expansion focused mainly for lvl 65-70. with many a single "lower zone" of like 50-65. And then include several more group instances (6+) as well as expanded raid content, including x2 zones as well as big x4 raids which follow similar progression as EoF raids, as in, you have to be EoF geared up to really stand a chance before touching the RoK raid zones. Make it so there is something like 10+ raid zones and then there would be a massive array of raid choices for top level players to choose from, from KoS Labs all the way to RoK top zones.
  5. ARCHIVED-Inuyasha Guest

    WTH!!! seem's like am under a rock but where did you see this?
  6. ARCHIVED-Inuyasha Guest

    My bad posted 2 time's :p
  7. ARCHIVED-crewguy72 Guest
  8. ARCHIVED-dieschatten Guest

    În ROK aber bitte keine Raidzonen mehr wo man nen WOchenenede einplanen mus um sie zu schaffen. Smaragdhallen finde ich im mom ein Witz als Zone. Klar kommt immer der Spruch es gibt Gilden die machen die Zone in 9 Stunden. Ok. Aber wieviele Gilden die nicht als Raidgilde aufgezogen sind können sowas? nicht viele. Wenn so eine lange Zone eingebaut wirde dann bitte wie in WOW mit Zonen ID und mann kann 1 Woche immer wieder rein und raus Zonen. Dann macht sowas auch spaß. aber nicht so wies im mom ist,