new expansion armor

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Thand, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. Thand Well-Known Member

    iw as looking through teh exchange merchants and what i saw was Really disappointing.
    Unlike Tov wher you could customize which armor you used based on your play style, There was only 1 type of heroic armor for mages +hp% CB Pot +cast speed(low) which in tov i only really saw necros ever wear,
    So No Ability mod No reuse really low cast speed and useless sats like attack speed
    for example
    For example the heroic mage mantle has 8.6 Health 83.4 attack speed???? 25,6 cb 25,6 pot
    except for not being reforgable the Mastercrated armor actuality has better mage stats.
    I can see looseing Alot of double cast and Ability mod this expansion. currently sitting at 47Dc and 30k ab. I do not see that anywhere sustainable. It looks like they want us to lower are dps in exchange for Slightly more survivability
  2. Wurm Well-Known Member

    And all of the AoM 95 stuff has lower mitigation than the ToV stuff as well, I'm hoping I find 96 - 97 gear soon.
  3. Mordrake71 New Member

    Actually I found the opposite to be true, every piece of potent or fabled equivalent I have is less mitigation that the vendor items in phantom sea, which is why I mixed and matched the new gear and have way more mitigation and hit points.

    I did take a hit on wisdom but all the gear I've gotten so far is lower wisdom.

    I did find some gear that you can upgrade with malice gems stats are 275 wisdom 446 stam To start I believe
  4. Wurm Well-Known Member

    As a tank not one single vendor piece has more mitigation then what I'm wearing now.
    Veeman likes this.
  5. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    I am more concerned with how you're supposed to gear up your characters in heroics this expac. Either I have completely missed the point (or a merchant), but it seems the only way of getting what you want is to a) get very lucky with the RNG (and hope no one else in the group needs it), or b) need on every piece of armor that drops to break it down for shards to buy from the exchange merchant. All option b) does is encourage you to need on everything to the chagrin of whoever can actually use it. Also, killing a x2 epic should drop more than an ornate for crying out loud.

    At least in ToV, as frustrating as it was at the start before the exchange tokens, you got something at the end of a heroic run.
    Anghammarad likes this.
  6. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Agreed with Cheggs. We should get armor crates to chose at the end of every heroic mission. So far I got through rng three pieces of heroic legendary but all of them has max health and reuse. Seriously? No casting speed for mages no ab mod? And it seems mage gear drops are very few and between and only tank gear.vvery disappointing.
  7. Mountbatten Well-Known Member