New EOF Fabled Armor sets

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Teilan, Nov 14, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jodah66 Guest

    No, they are just acting towards bards as they always have (NOT eq1)
  2. ARCHIVED-Laromor Guest

    Something I dont get by all of this... The Inquisitor set (just to name an example)... practically all pieces has INT on them.. several in the 25-30 range. And ontop of that, they still have STA and WIS on... in general they have 3-4 stats on each piece... plus effects.
    Bards seem to only have 2-3 stats on their gear... and a severe lack of INT.

    I can understand why an Inquisitor needs INT, being an offensive priest and all... but I can not understand the logic in giving a hybrid class less of a stat, which the class really needs, compared to a "pure" class.
  3. ARCHIVED-juzam Guest

    They give INT to INQs ...and they give them AAs to turn their spells into CAs and make them STG based lol.

    Great no INT in our gear lol. I think sometimes the Devs don't know their product for some reason. INT and STR thats all I want , INT and STR I don't care about anything else INT and STR gahhhh!!!!!!! Get it in your big heads INT and STR.
  5. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    Tired of this. I *do* care about other things. I sure as heck care about choice. Don't like it? Get something else... there's a lot of itemization out there suitable for customizing your bard. There is no perfect gear set. This is one set of gear available for bards... not the only set. There's value to all of the stats.

    Problem is we dont get many Int and Str options. Technically there is only one set out there that has this option.
  7. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    Gah, and actually I take it back. With the introduction of set gear, it DOES somewhat limit your choices to that set if you want the extra effects. You CAN choose to not use the set gear, but that's more of an impact than it should be. Our set gear should absolutely focus on AGI (yes, really. Just because we have enough now doesn't mean we should LOSE it), STR and INT, in roughly equal porportions, in my mind. I still want STA and WIS on my gear (surviving AEs is fun dammit!), and I never thought the wis addition on our relic (hah!) was a bad thing, but set gear designed for the class should get the stat balance decently right.

    Of course, then you're stuck with one set of gear and every bard looking the same. Oh, what to do? =(

    Thank SOE. After all they want us to all look alike with these sets. even though with out INT i am staying the way i look now. AGI??? Yuck that does nothbg for a raiding dirge STR and INT and some Sta and WIS i can see but agility nope take it away don't need any LOL.
  9. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    I counter that AGI does more for the raiding dirge now than it ever did before though. Well, except prior to the great (and oh-so-needed) AGI nerf of aught-four, when AGI made us gods among mortals.
  10. ARCHIVED-spark Guest

    AGI is very easy for a Dirge to come by. Ive never ever focused on AGI and its always been my highest stat no matter what i do unless i totally screw my stats over with WIS. Even my stat trait choices have never changed, always had STA. Its ultra rare that i ever run out of power, so far only the Matron has drained me to 0 power off the top of my head. This is since our main debuffs started using power over time.

    AGI is utter useless, Parry and Defense do so so much more than AGI. I have 6.3k power self buffed with like 560 AGI, take the AGI away and id still have something like atleast 4k power.
    INT is sweet! its easily noticable in our DPS, more so than STR -- the 2 stats i highly love, next to STA.
    WIS is pointless (i used to think otherwise when DoF came out), even 200 self buffed thats a little 600 to each resists... give me STR and INT so i can kill the mob faster and take/dodge less AE's :smileyhappy:
  11. ARCHIVED-Icarii_Raven`Lyon Guest

    Sure, agi is easy to come by now cause everything has it, but what happens when the devs start listening and make everything str/int? Eventually youll run out of agi on stuff, and my agi will end up where my int is right now, and vice versa.
  12. ARCHIVED-spark Guest

    I wouldnt mind dropping 500 AGI (2k power?) for 500 INT, only lose 1.5k power then, approx. Got like 4.5k left...