New Classes , Races and wonders!!

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Lillipad, Mar 25, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Lillipad Guest

    [p]First of all let me say I'm not complaining just wanting to get somethings said. I know ppl say they want a new class and I do too. I also it would be time consuming and alot of money. But why are u really not making another Class? I mean I know u would have to make Npc s look like them over the world and the quest changed alittle for them......(including Armor added for them and Title like Bloodmage,Bruiser,Monk) Yea I know believe me I have thought about it alot. Since I started there has been one major change to all the classes , AA added , Etc. So its not like time was not spent in to changing alrdy made things. Everyone knows there would have to be a balance (2 classes) and ppl have ideas on what they would be. As for the Races the same thing..... I love my Fae dont get me wrong there either and EoF is awsome but with the Fae and EoF u know time is ticking to make something more exciting. I tried Vanguard (yes this is a complain) I personally thought it sucked. Wow came out with a new expand that blew it away. Well back to the point Fae are slowly losing there Shine. Ppl keep asking for a new class and would be more then willing to pay for it and even wait more time. Most hardcore gamers I have meet playing here have almost every class (most 70s or at least tried for a while) and are getting bored. This is my First MMO and I got hooked on it. Just pls make some new classes it will draw in new and old players alike. Plus Im tired of see 5 old players leave and 2 new join (not actual just feels like it) Its getting hard and harder to get grps unless u get with a static grp. Well I guess I feel better :) and Im rdy for the ppl to rip me to shreads like I see in so many other posts (why I dont post lol) [/p][p]P.S. As an Idea what classes would u like to see [/p][p](bet Beastlord wins though) :) /hugs[/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-sahet Guest

    the devs have already stated that they won't be adding any new classes until all the existing classes are perfectly balanced...and considering that every single one of the class forums has tons of people complaining about how that class sucks compared to some other class, it probably won't be happening anytime soon...
  3. ARCHIVED-Raidi Sovin'faile Guest

    [p]The problem with adding new classes is that the current setup is already fairly encompassing, and balanced.[/p][p]You can't just add one new class... it would upset the balance between current sets. Add a new class... as a fighter, making more fighters than other types of classes?[/p][p]I guess they could make two new classes for each archetype (thus adding 8 total new classes)... but that's a lot of classes to spread a "new idea" around.[/p][p]Or maybe they could add in another archetype, but that would still need something like 6 more classes (evil and good, with 3 variants... although I could see an argument where 3 variants might not be needed in a new archetype).[/p][p] But all in all, I'd rather see them make new "sub classes" like they made "sub crafting". You could pick one, or drop it and change to another, and just have to skill up... but it would give you aspects of another class.[/p][p]They could start with the basic Fighter/Scout/Priest/Mage... or for more flavour, subclasses like Warrior/Crusader/Brawler, etc. You would have to do something specific and hard to do (or takes a lot to do, like a combination of skill increases and unlocking quests, etc) to increase your "skill" and get maybe 1 new ability per tier of skill, which would scale with level.[/p][p]This would allow people to further customize their characters, and switch up if they later want to (like transmuting/tinkering... only not as tough). So a Brawler could take on a Predator subclass and get better Evade (detaunt) and DPS skills, combining with his AA choices to become a valid DPS choice on raids... or pick up the Warrior subclass to get extra taunts and defensive abilities, pushing him into a better tanking position.[/p][p]They would have to be careful with the abilities given, so as not to improperly dilute the current classes. If key abilities are given to everyone, then the whole "why pick class X" would crop up. It would have to be the basic concepts of the classes they are based on, and inherently inferior (so measureable values only, no "all or nothing" things like Feign Death or Charm).[/p][p]I could see this being added eventually.[/p][p] [/p]
  4. ARCHIVED-Daarom Guest

    Kaisoku@Mistmoore wrote:
    There are no Archetype Classes anymore, they dropped this Idea. I'd like to see something like Level 75 and an AA system like we had in EQ1 (you can spend over 3000 Points there)
  5. ARCHIVED-Raidi Sovin'faile Guest

    [p]There are no Archetype Classes anymore, they dropped this Idea.[/p][p]This neither invalidates my point, nor is it necessarily totally true.[/p][p]They removed leveling up through archetypes. They've removed the "archetype" and "subclass" classes from the game.[/p][p]The game is still built around 24 classes, 4 specific class roles, three variations each, and each class having it's twin (mostly as a good and evil reflection, and one set being accessible to both sides).[/p][p]Slapping on a single extra class would just make things sloppy, and overbalance whichever role it fills. And if it's truly a "hybrid" class, then it will suck horribly.. because being good at nothing is too crappy to be compensated by being okay at everything.[/p]
  6. ARCHIVED-jrm99002 Guest

    There are still "archtypes" to a degree. Look at a peice of armor that says "All fighters" can equip it. Bam, archtype right there :)
  7. ARCHIVED-ChildofHate Guest

    [p]ok, i see you post about wanting new classes. You went in to great detail basically proclaiming what every other thread asking the same thing said.[/p][p]But umm, where are your comments about "Races and Wonders"?[/p]
  8. ARCHIVED-kellan123 Guest

    Nadjira@Valor wrote:
    Farming AA points in EQ1 is where they lost a lot of new/returning players and kept the few die-hard players. By introducing a massive timesink, you stretch out the playerbase by making the finish line even more distant than the starting line. Walk with me here...a city marathon. If you make it long, say 30km, as time goes on, people will move away from each other as they set their own pace...even getting to a point where they see no one around them. However, if you make it shorter (5-10km) and contained, people will stay huddled together, struggling to be first within the confines. The last thing I think anyone wants is to be alone in a MMO. You can attest to this by seeing the cry for server merges. Also, by making the race longer, those who are near the end or at the front of the race are less apt to quit. They have invested too much time already. It's hard to leave a character who has accumulated 837 AA points. With this being a MMO game, I'd rather be in the same vicinity as my peers, not 512 levels behind them. My point is this, there will be a turning point for EQ2, just like there was in EQ1. This turning point is when the executive decision is made to shift efforts towards retaining subscriptions and away from attracting new ones. You'll probably get your wish and an endless award system will be put in place so that you may progress endlessly, all the while, sealing your fate with EQ2...but let's not rush into that just yet. ;) (Please remember, this is coming from a raider with 3 accounts, not a casual player)
  9. ARCHIVED-iceriven2 Guest

    I always liked the eq1 AA system. It allowed your to advance your toon but not out lvl anyone else. I luved the idea that everyone could grp together and do things even though someone in the grp had a crap load of AA's. basically gave advancement without the worry of lvl progression and out lvling everyone..
  10. ARCHIVED-Talzar Guest

    Don't ask for new classes. You don't want what you will get. What would happen would be a fluff class that is basically something else but their skills have different names. This game has pushed the limit when it comes to the number of classes. When some say there are already too many it is a fair opinion regardless if you agree or disagree. You want expanded AA systems so you can tailor your existing class the way you want.
  11. ARCHIVED-RoXxer Guest

    Aye, we need beastmasters soon..
  12. ARCHIVED-Talzar Guest

    Before an EQ1 newbie rants about them being overpowered because they saw one tank a LDoN I'll step in and say with certain mystic builds you can come close to the feel of one.
  13. ARCHIVED-wesleyarts Guest

    [p]I m level 70 100 aa points, with 3 alts in a good pace. Im a full week raider. At this point I m really bored of eq2. I have done all the quest that are worth to be done. (please dont ask me to quest crap/trash items or items that i cant use. We need something new at this point. I have change/repected my AA points to differents lines, i tried differents custemized UI. ( dont ask me to craft I hate that my temper do not allow me stay hours at the same point pushing 3 bottons in front of a oven/worktable/whatever it is). New classes or new way AA lines should be good. They have to allows to have fun in a fun way. I m really frustrade with the templar aa line. Cures and some new abilities just dont work. Yes i filled a lot of bug reports about it.[/p][p]New AA lines, Dyes to make the toom more customizable. A new classe would be great if it could be fitted inside the working balance of the game. You know why imm here writting this post, because im bored! I should be playing now but there is nothing new to do.[/p][hr][p] [/p][p]Templar question: If all healer heal equally, why dont let templars dps equally as other classes?[/p][p][IMG][/p][p] [/p]
  14. ARCHIVED-Igu Guest

    [p]How about a speciality for each class?[/p][p]Like a monk can choose an Offensive or a Defense speciality. Cleric can choose Buffing or Healing. Necromacer can choose damage or pet enhancements.[/p][p]The levels of this specialty can give new skills (new attack, buff or heal) and enhance aspects of existing classes (+1-10% to healing amounts or damage, pets get extra mitigation...etc)[/p][p]Would give a way of improving your toon and make him even more unique.[/p]
  15. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Nadjira@Valor wrote:
    [p]Just because you don't see something does not mean its not there. When the Devs changed to the "sub-class from the start" set up they specificly said that the archetype system will still be in place just in the background.[/p][p]There are still All Fighter Iteams in game, you still see sub-class in game on your AA trees (Summoner Tree, Brawler Tree, Crusader Tree, etc.). That system is and will continue to be an integral part of the core game system, and unless we see EQ2-NGE then it will not be going away anytime soon. [/p][p]The quote from the devs is and will remain...[/p][p]Once every class is UNQUIE and fully Ballanced and Bug Free. We will THINK about adding a new class.[/p][p]As many classes are still far from unquie, many are far from Ballanced and I can't think of one that is completly bug free, this is basicly as close to a Definitive an answer as SoE ever gives and that answer is NO.[/p]
  16. ARCHIVED-TuHideous Guest

    [p]Once you hit 70 with 100 AAs you can get bored. I understand this. And it can be done quite rapidly, I have a fae conjy that is 70/ 100. [/p][p]I don't think it will be feasable to introduce another class into the game now, or in the near future. More races is more likely, and I'm certain SOE will be adding more AA's specific to each expansion. I fully expect the next expansion to bring in more AA's that are mainly new ability based rather then based on increasing your existing spells, and they will cost twice as much.[/p][p]Also, since dyes were mentioned..... Please bring dyes into eq2![/p]
  17. ARCHIVED-Xevik Guest

    The problem with that is that no matter what the devs do, there will never be perfect balance between the classes, it just isn't possible in this game or any other game. The only way for there to be perfect balance between classes is for them to all have the same abilities, otherwise, certain classes will always have advantages, that is just how it goes. I do think they should add more classes, just one for each faction. I would like to see a melee/caster hybrid implemented. What I think would be good would be for it to be a caster class that has modest dd spells and debuffs in its caster form, but can shapeshift into other forms. For example, the evil version could have similar spells to a necromancer, but fewer of them and slightly weaker, but they could allow themselves to be possessed by demonic forces or something and shift forms which would increase armor, strength, etc and allow them to be somewhat of a battle mage. Or it could have more damage oriented spells in caster form, albeit still weaker than a full on caster class, and in it's melee form have its spell be more oriented towards increasing melee ability (e.g., melee haste, str buff, dps procs and/or maybe some sort of melee debuffs for their targets). It would be a versatile class that wasn't as strong as a full on caster or full on melee, but would be able to fill either role relatively well and shift quickly from one type to another. Would obviously need a lot of work balancing, but I would envision it as being a class that has relatively high dps as a tank, but still not the highest of the tank classes, but would also have utility in the form of debuffs and modest damage spells (I know this basically sounds like a shadowknight, but would be a different type of spellset and not reliant on lifetaps). I also know that there are several shapeshifting classes in the game, this would just be a more offense/debuff oriented one of them. Regardless, due to the age of the game, I think that they should really consider adding a new class to the game as well as raising the level cap. Even with adding new races, a lot of players have spent so much time on their current characters and already have alts for the classes that just adding a new race isn't enough reason for them to reroll and work their way back up to the level cap. I think adding a new class would kind of energize the low level game a bit, while simultaneously providing new techniques and strategies for groups and raiding and by raising the cap on top of this, give mroe content to higher level characters.
  18. ARCHIVED-Chayna Guest

    Frankly I'd rather see a couple subclasses rejoined... Illusionist/Coercer back to Enchanter.
  19. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

  20. ARCHIVED-Winter Guest

    [size="large"]They would have to rebalance every other class with the creation of a new class... They pretty much have all of the bases covered anyway, as far as playstyles are concerned. Sure, I'd love to see Beastmaster but I just don't see it balancing out with the other classes. Unless I can have a sparkling pink rabid squirrel of doooooomiest doom as my pet.[/size]