Nerf Beastlords In T4

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

    The T4 population isn't strong enough to afford players quitting BGs because of severely unbalanced classes.
  2. ARCHIVED-Elskidor Guest

    Screw that. Nerf them all across the board for every tier.
  3. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

    Maybe, but I haven't played against them in other tiers. They need adjusting in PvP combat in T4 for sure. It's pretty much whoever has the most (geared) beastlords wins.
    If I was going to put together a premade it would seriously be paladin x2 beastlord x3 and a warden.
  4. ARCHIVED-nfsdan2 Guest

    Malevolencexx@Nagafen wrote:

    A geared beastlord parses more than double the amount of anyone else, sometimes triple.
    Fix this!
    - Durzo/Bloodheal/Meteor
  5. ARCHIVED-Raknid Guest

    I have a feeling players will quit in frustration before SOE balances this class properly. Wasn't that there pledge before? No new classes until all the other are balanced? So what should we take away from that? 1)They DID have all the other classes balanced but somehow managed to royally screw up the tuning of BLs? 2)The BL balance issue is just an part of an ongoing problem with class balance that SOE never seems to get right?
    I am going with 1, and did so intentioally so that those who shelled out $40 for their beloved BL class in the "expansion" felt they got their money's worth. Sad that it comes at the expense and frustration of others though.

    Have played a few toons in T4 and didn't think about how beastlords needed to be powered down until I fought one with my guardian who has a mix of mastercrafted/bg gear and was killed within a few moments before I knew what happened. I've gone up against fully geared vet's playing berserkers and sk's who've not done that to me.
    Overall I hate saying this but BL are killing my fun for Battlegrounds.
    nfsdan2 wrote:
    I was able to match it once with my warlock when I had him spamming AE spells. But agreed their parses are insane.
  7. ARCHIVED-mjlinton2 Guest

    Beastlords are not OP they can easily be killed all you have to do is kill thier warder first

    I've tried that many times but they kill me before I get the chance to kill their warder.
    Edit: If their warder does die, how long is the recast to summon a new one btw?
  9. ARCHIVED-bks6721 Guest

    yeah, nerf a class to appease the 38 people that level lock for bg's.. lol
  10. ARCHIVED-metahoop Guest

    I'm done feeding these T4 jagoffs that keep playing the massively over-powered BL's over and over and over , day in and day out, week after week. This is so freaking ridiculous, why isn't SOE/EQ2 doing anything about it??? I ONLY play this game because of BG and its turned into nothing but a battle of the BL's. EQ2 take some responsibilty and address this issue before you lose what little you have left behind. The use of BEASTLORDS in BG is nothing less than an EXPLOIT and it is completely and totally destroying any chance of a T4BG comeback.
    right NOW!!!
    There is no way in the world I would continue to pay for this game if this is what I have to get used to.
  11. ARCHIVED-Roachonine Guest

    Roll a Beastlord for your self..
  12. ARCHIVED-AtlantisCalz Guest

    I kind of have to agree, if your not up to par with a class or can't compete make one. Even at 90 people complain all the time that this class is better than another class, what the fail to see is what they could be doing wrong.
  13. ARCHIVED-V-I-I-I-X-I-I-V Guest

    Bleuty@Everfrost wrote:
    You really should have some sort of knowledge before you speak. BL get an aa ability in which instantly revives the warden upon death, heals it, and reduces all dmg done to it for 10-12seconds.
    Piccolo@Everfrost wrote:
    It's people like you that truly ruin BGs/PvP. We do not want to play a crap overpowered class just because the class is overpowered. We want the class brought in line with other scouts within the same teir as it should be. The "if you can't beat them, join them" attitude is stupid beyond words.
    SoE please fix this broker overpowered class. We know that you made the class so extremely overpowered to sell an "expansion" with no content so people can pay to win, but it's been long enough... fix it.
  14. ARCHIVED-AtlantisCalz Guest

    V-I-I-I-X-I-I-V wrote:
    Why can't you adapt? There is a flaw in every toon in this game. I went into a t4 bg with my ranger smoke beastlords everytime they sent there pet to me I drop target pet goes away, snare them up, use pot cures etc..If anything you should like to credit yourself in finding ways to defeat classes that are harder instead of trying to get them nerfed.
  15. ARCHIVED-V-I-I-I-X-I-I-V Guest

    Twinbladed@Nagafen wrote:
    Why should we "adapt" (which basically means accept that the class is far superior & completely overpowered) just so some crap players who got rolled over & over until beastlords came out & let them win based on their class & nothing else can win? First off the beastlord you killed was obviously a noob. Any BGer playing a beastlord that isn't a blithering idiot will macro all CA's to make their warder attack their target. Deaggroing their pet does nothing next click and the pet is back on you. Also their AoE stifle is up ever 60seconds or less & freedom of mind is up every 10mins, therefor your whole "use cure pots" thing is out the window. You have 2 snares that stack as a ranger in T4 which can be potted, can use the pvp item that makes them immune to snare, can use freedom of action, ect to get around snare. Not only that but beastlord also can snare you. BL stun is 3sec & stifle is 5sec, plenty enough time to kill you. I kill beastlords as well... that doesn't take anything away from the fact that the class is completely overpowered & needs to be nerfed severely.
  16. ARCHIVED-Blergh Guest

    Absolute best case scenario, beastlords aren't going to be touched in pvp / battlegrounds till April. And honestly, I'd be amazed if they do.
  17. ARCHIVED-mjlinton2 Guest

    V-I-I-I-X-I-I-V wrote:
    umm have you heard of stun,stifle or root maybe you need to look at yourself and learn how to play your own toon
  18. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

    Yes, bsts can be killed, and CC'd, and if you can kill their pet, they do less dps for 15 seconds until they resummon their pets. That doesn't exactly mean they're balanced. You can say "just kill his pet," but that can be really hard to do while you're being stifled, taunted, and their pet is being healed. When you do kill the pet, you're already at 20% hp. Also, having a pet that enables most of a class' dps/utilty does not justified being OP. You don't see summoners pumping out ridiculous dps and utility and hearing "oh just kill the necro's pet."
    10% flurry and all the potency buffs, and being able to chain attacks that each do 1k damage back to back, aoe stifle... depending on how you set up: pet buffs that increase multi attack, base auto attack damage, and I forget what else... being able to heal for 80k+ in gears in T4. It's OP, sorry.
    I do have a bst and I played it for a while, grandmastered the bear and lizard warders, 100+ AA, fully mastered. I'd just rather play my warden or illy. Six geared/setup beastlords in a gears match would completely destroy any other possible setup, and that's a fact. Especially if they coordinate builds to compliment each other.
  19. ARCHIVED-Matanzas Guest

    When I was still playing in T4 I had not much trouble killing beastlords on my T4 guardian. Although the beastlords i fought probably weren't that well geared and I am much better and more geared than most others in the tier.
  20. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

    2,900 damage with an auto attack. Didn't even have to push a button. Second auto attack hit for 61 damage which killed me. That's 2,961 damage so pretty close to 3k. I have like 3,800 hp and play a built warden named Sixgauge Helix... fully mastered, adorned, 100+ AA blah blah etc and so forth. This doesn't include the previous 3 seconds of the fight. OP much?