Nektropos Castle 2 itemisation (Kaladim)

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Frid, Mar 26, 2019.

  1. Frid Member

    I just ran Nektropos castle 2 tonight and it is a shame that is not worth doing it, because this dungeon has a fantastic lore and atmosphere, as well as a massive amount of nameds. As you know, we are going to be running Icy dig over and over again with no real alternative until DoF goes live. There are no other "big" level 50 group instances other than Nek2 and Icy dig, and if Nektropos 2 drops no level 50 gear and no masters then what's the point?

    If you upgraded not only the loot table but the % of dropping exquisite chests this would be an ideal alternative to Icy Dig, which gets a bit repetitive.

    What do you guys think?

    Yes, I know you can farm nameds in Lava, Sol eye and managerie but its not the same is it?
  2. Greene Active Member

    This zone hasn't worked for loot in any of the TLE or event servers (including RTT), I don't forsee them ever fixing the loot.
  3. Frid Member

    But they just took the time, doing the stat consolidation thing. They could have just boosted it to level 50. I dont know.
  4. Boilon New Member

    Also really disappointed about this. Fun dungeon with lots of named and I think would be a great alternative to the current Icy Dig, but alas the drops are level 40 and not something people will want to put the time in to running...
    Zenji likes this.
  5. Earar Well-Known Member

    The zone is nice but no named drops more than treasured chest and only lvl 40 gear.

    We need lvl 50 gear in that zone
    Jaden and Zenji like this.
  6. Surgeon Active Member

    FWIW I support this