need troubador advise

Discussion in 'Troubador' started by ARCHIVED-Anfauglith, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-deadcowfunk Guest

    Clearly you are looking at this wrong. Troub personal DPS is not the end all be all of a raiding spot. As long as your troub plays smart using JC, POM, debuffs, etc... your raid DPS goes up. If you are only looking at a troubs single DPS then you are looking at just one aspect of being a troub.

    If you troub sucks and is a mindless button pusher then remove him/her. If you troub is always beduffing(green debuffs and attack debuffs), JC, POM, and in between attacking them what is the issue? So what if I do not parse 6k on my raids because I make the casters parse more DPS and the whole raid DPS more w/POM. My point is "if" you learn what your spells actually do and their durations etc... and manage your casting/attacks w/JC & POM then you will see a difference.

    I feel you are looking at this from the perspective of single DPS vs taking into consideration the troubs ability to create DPS via being a troub.
  2. ARCHIVED-Mytilma Guest

    deadcowfunk wrote:
    And what if I am debuffing, capping and potming and still parsing 5-6k? Green debuffs last over a minute. It's not like that keeps me busy. Red debuffs fit right into the casting order.
    Yea, clearly I am looking at this wrong.
  3. ARCHIVED-Kulaf Guest

    Ballads wrote:
    What Ballads illustrates is that it's all relative. NPU raids what 99% of players will never raid, Avatars. With the gear his guild has access to he is pushing 9k+......but the rest of his guild is pushing higher as well. My guess is that he falls in the same tier of DPS in his guild as most of the other troubs do in their respective guilds.
    You should always strive to do as close to max damage as you can with the gear you have and always strive to improve your gear. The DPS will follow as long as you are doing your job.
  4. ARCHIVED-Inggy Guest

    Yep that 9-10K personal DPS puts Ballads at ~4-5% of raid DPS at 200K DPS. Which is where a Troub should be in the overall raid DPS output as stated before. Providing the Troub has gear, typical group buffs, actually getting in and hitting the mob, etc.
    If you're not putting out 4-5% then look into why. Press more buttons, get in and melee. If its gear then the raid / member needs to look at fixing that. If its slow engagement or out of melee range then the Troub needs to fix that. If its buffs then RL needs to address it.
    My group knows I JC someone on pull every pull and every time its up unless its trash and the mobs is < 40% HP. I use a fixed order of 5 macros (my group) and a 6th for me (potm refresh). So pull #1, JC member #2, PotM, JC me, pull #2, JC member #3 and #4 etc. Repeat.
    Working in a JC or potm takes me a whole 2-3 seconds every 25 secs on JC and 1-1.5mins on PotM. That leaves alot of time to be debuffing, nuking :), and melee.
    You're not going to be toping the parse regardless but the bards as whole should be competing against each other that way you keep each other honest. You are here to contribute your personal DPS to the raids, you are not just a buff bot.
  5. ARCHIVED-soulljah Guest

    Too many people seem to still consider bards/chanters "utility" when in fact there really isnt jack for us to do besides dps in raids.
    Seriously a one armed mentally challenged monkey could do our "utility in raids". Cast buffs, click maestro then hit a j cap macro whenever its up. That takes up what a whole 5 secs or less total during a fight? Sooo what are you supposed to do for the rest of it? Easy put out as much damage as you possibly can.
    So yeah as long as a troub is doing those two basic things, the only way to measure whether they are playing up to their capacity is dps.
    My last palace zw trash was 7k zw (3 tso pieces no avatar gear), the other troub in the raid did 3.5k zw. Raid-wide dps was only about 140k. So if we are just utility then me doubling his parse doesnt mean anything because we both casted j cap and maestro when needed right? I think not