Need increase in # of displayed buffs > 50

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Twisty, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Twisty Well-Known Member

    This problem was already present pre Chains of Eternity xpac, but it was manageable as all the important buffs (read: single target ones for most part) seemed to reliably show up between buffs window and target window with yourself targeted. It was already a pain to have to check 2 places tho. I'm told 50 is the maximum and it's a hard limit of the game, so an addon can't get around the problem.

    With CoE's additional prestige group/raid buffs, the band-aid is no longer holding it together. Important buffs don't reliably show up in either place even though they're on me. It's a constant, annoying routine of tells, "do I have this buff" when getting rezzed mid-combat.

    Bottom line: it's long overdue - can you please increase the displayed limit? And while at it, it'd be awesome if you could add a right-click option to never show a buff. The list can be saves to local file per character.
    BettyBoop likes this.
  2. Twyxx Well-Known Member

    Or give us a way to prioritize them?
    Le Clown likes this.
  3. Atan Well-Known Member

    We need the ability to filter them.

    In fact, I'd like 2 filters, a new window that will display buffs that are in a list that we define, and the current window with a filter dialogue that removes all buffs that we've defined.

    There are buffs we need to draw attention to and react to. Preferably we could set each 'slot' of that window for specific buffs so that whenever I have jcap it is ALWAYS in the same place on my window.

    Then there are buffs I just never care about that I would filter to be hidden by default (like all the water breathing buffs, or other misc things that are always on).

    Durring the past 5 or so beta's I've made a post requesting the UI enhancements and some additions to what is in dynamicdata so that UI developers could provide a more meaningful interface around maintained buffs and the effects windows.

    I've not been very successful in getting the community to fully understand the request and how it would benefit them, so there has been little traction.
    Terein and BettyBoop like this.
  4. Twisty Well-Known Member

    I like what you're asking for Twyxx & Atan, but it's all lot more complex than right-click->hide + right-click->restore all, which will get us 90% there and is trivial to implement.

    I'm afraid big part of the reason it never got traction with populace AND devs is cause it looks too much effort for not enough benefit. Can we keep it simple for now, as first step, and perhaps build up to the sorting order as part 2?
  5. Twisty Well-Known Member

    idea was kicked around on the "other" EQ2 board that we'd be willing to put up StationCash to get this project sponsored Kickstarter style!

    c'mon, SoE, you're the innovative leaders of the MMO industry, are you not? here's another opportunity to lead the pack. get with the times and apply a little crowd-funding concept to identify improvements most desired by the community.
  6. Twisty Well-Known Member

    demand is here. problem not going away. not getting "better with time". please address so it's not a guessing game with buffs