Need help

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Joharassit, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Joharassit New Member

    I have the collectors edition Fate of the sentinals i think it is called with 9 expansions, I have been playing the game for like a week, today I seem to be having issues chatting in either guild or level 1-9 chat, whenever i write something it does not show most of the times and voice chat does not work either, i downloaded the client from EQII main website.

    I uninstalled, then reinstalled the game and I am still having the same issues, I also play other MMO's and dont seem to be having the same issues, is there a way to fix the client, rather than deleting the game again and putting it back on? I run Win 7.
  2. teut New Member

    Just encountered the voice chat problem. After logging out and back for the 4th time it is now working again