Need help getting to entrance of Temple of Kor-Sha

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-Feebb, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Feebb Guest

    Wgat is the trick to jumping off the ledge in Chardok to get to the entrance to the Templs of Kor-Sha? I don't have safe fall.
  2. ARCHIVED--Arctura- Guest

    (( Get a cloak with featherfall on it, or use a gnomish tinkered parachute! :) (or bounce down on the geometry)

  3. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Or stand at the zone in to Chardok and let someone with safefal/featherfall do all the work and drag you in with them.
  4. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    There is also a supporting structure of the bridge you can jump to that isn't quite the full distance, and so less costly in terms of health.
  5. ARCHIVED-Catharsis Guest

    Tinkered stilts or parachute. But useable by anyone.
  6. ARCHIVED-cyric22 Guest

    Catharsis wrote:
    If you are refering to the Spring Loaded Gnomish Stilts they do NOT prevent falling damage.

    Parachute does work
  7. ARCHIVED-Killerbee3000 Guest

    You can either jump down directly if you have falling dmg preventions, or you can also "split" the jump if you lack them, from the edge jump straight across to the red thing, then from there to the bridge, you wont take any relevant amount of falling dmg that way.
  8. ARCHIVED-Garath Guest

    Feebb wrote:
    Get a rez at the bottom.
  9. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

    Noaani wrote:
    You have to zone yourself in.