Need For a New Good City Now?

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Zabjade, Aug 5, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    I guess there will be a need for a 3rd Good city come RoK since the Sanark City is Evil.
    Makes me wonder will Rivervale push back the invasion in a live event comparable to Kiticor[sp] woods (Changing where you get the nightbloods for Hierophant's Crook), or will Halas be rediscovered, Then again since it is RoK perhaps FV will be resettled?
  2. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Yeah. Frogloks and Halflings need a 2nd city to start in. All the other races have at least 2.
  3. ARCHIVED-StoneySilence Guest

    Ya, when I read they announced that the Sarnak city was gonna be evil I thought: "Dang, they just evened the cities out. Guess they are gonna have to make a new good city now". I also thought Rivervale would be a good city to bring back. Not a lot of people fight in Rivervale anymore anyway.
  4. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Might even be part of the Bristlebane World Event, I won't worship Bristly but his plat is goosd as any other godling's. ;) Of course now they will need a look for the Drafling!
  5. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    The Prophetsday.mp3 file was a pretty dead givaway that Bristlebane was coming back.
  6. ARCHIVED-shadowscale Guest

    Prophetsday was a canceled live event that was to happen over the summer due to time constraints that would have celebrated last years return of the gods. with new house items and such. possibly the return of Bristlebane but that now has to be done in a diffrent event if it was true.
  7. ARCHIVED-Mirander_1 Guest

    I imagine we'll be seeing a new good city some time in the future (either a live event, or maybe the next expansion). My question is, what good race we'll be seeing to balance out the Sarnak?
  8. ARCHIVED-Dragowulf2 Guest

    Mirander_1 wrote:
    Halt! To my understanding, the only people who start in Tim. Deep are neutral races. Sarnak are neutral, so maybe the next good city will be only-neutral races+sarnak+new race, and that new race can start in tim deep as well?

    I'm kinda confused what whatever.
  9. ARCHIVED-Vyrance Guest

    if there ends up being another good city added later on, i think Thurgadin or Frostone would be awesome, along with playable Coldain Dwarves of course.
  10. ARCHIVED-troodon Guest

    Vyrance wrote:
    That's a really good idea. The good city can be Thurg when they bring out Velious
  11. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    That is a long ways off however. More like playable Icepaw Gnolls you can already have a dwarf just add a snowy complexion to the choices.
  12. ARCHIVED-Winter Guest

    It hasn't been determined for certain that the Sarnak will be evil. One dev even joked - 'they're evil this week'. :)
  13. ARCHIVED-Mirander_1 Guest

    How 'bout an expansion that brings back the rest of old Antonica, and have playable Aviaks (and their city) living there (probably the Highbourne area).
  14. ARCHIVED-troodon Guest

    That would work, as long as they're the old school gliding Aviaks, not the flying Aviaks with wings separate from their arms
  15. ARCHIVED-Josgar Guest

    Im hoping rivervale becomes cleansed.
  16. ARCHIVED-Qaeadyen Guest

    [p]A couple of things trickling down from the Fan Faire:[/p][p] [/p][p]1) Bristlebane is indeed another god that will be available with the other dietys already mentioned[/p][p]2) The Sarnak have indeed been designated as an evil race ( which doesn't suprise me since they are the result of both Iksar and Dragons.) [/p][p]I was actually hoping for a new good city in RoK as well. I suggest Gukta: Outpost of Marr rebuilt! [/p]
  17. ARCHIVED-MW2K2 Guest

    I'd personally LOVE to see Halas be found. We hardly have ANY snowy areas in the game, much less a home city with snow. My vote would have to go with Halas. At least now I can be certain that I can have my Sarnak Defiler like I'm planning! /dance
  18. ARCHIVED-Caethre Guest

    [p]OOC.[/p][p]I'm very disappointed with you Josgar. There is only one existing city I would wish to have its horrible mess of a storyline sorted out, and we both know what that is. The one part of EOF that wasn't wonderfully done, that was by contrast a complete fiasco as far as consistent lore with EQ1 was concerned. FELWITHE. Of course. But it won't happen, I suspect.[/p][p]I would expect it to be on Kunark. In which case, if it has to be on Kunark and it has to be good aligned, then case back your memories, and think, where was the haven of good in Kunark in EQ1 times?[/p][p]Firiona Vie of course. I would love to see that return. Perhaps even with some real high elves in it, not ones that have somehow degenerated into 60-year-lifespan shadows in just 500 years (casually forgetting that high elves can actually live almost 500 years in just one generation...but let's not poke more holes in the EOF lore for "New Tunaria").[/p][p]We can hope![/p][p] [/p]
  19. ARCHIVED-Gasheron Guest

    Felish, if you haven't played EQ1 recently, Firiona Vie was taken over by evils. I doubt that they are going to do another reversal just to put a city for goods on a continent of 65+ mobs.
  20. ARCHIVED-Willias Guest

    This happened after PoP, so it really isn't canon in EQ2's storyline. It has been said that SOMETHING has happened to FV though, and it's no longer a bastion for the good races on Kunark. I bet the Iksar sacked it.