need advice on "dirge adornment" set.

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Tyrus Dracofire, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Tyrus Dracofire Well-Known Member

    other website wasnt clear or hard to read without having what is breakdown on adornments, all i see was numbers, but what or which ones to get.
    need to know white set (crafted gems), yellow and red versions are recommended to get, or if not able to get specific, and please add "plan-B" adorns if they were easy to get.

    some newer red adorns doesnt explain which is good for dirge or other scouts, because some scout class has special skill tasks tailored made.
    what other used?
    all +health bases? more Multi-Attacks? potency? or balance some adorns in specific armor pieces and jewelries?
    i am aware of some adorns that dont stack with other adorns, and i want to avoid those wrong ones or outdated red runes.
    please make outline versions, thank folks.
  2. Rocketjones Active Member

    It's really all down to your play style but try out getting 80% cast speed and maxing reuse through ability and spells both.
  3. Shimmerman New Member

    Go for
    Crushing, Piercing, Etc...MAX this as much as possible, this increases your hit damage
    Ability Reuse
    Cast Speed
    Crit Bonus
    AB MOD