need a favor

Discussion in ' Website Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-ryanxxx, Aug 8, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-ryanxxx Guest

    I have found a loophole for every error station launcher was giving me save 1. I have patched down to 33kb remaining. The only file I am missing is the index.dat file in the LON folder.
    The favor I need, is for someone to email me an updated version of this file so I can place it in my EQ2 folder.
    You can find this file in Sony/EQ2/Legendsofnorrath/data/archetypes/index.dat
    if anyone who is able to patch into the game can go in and make a copy of this file and send it to me, youd be doing more for me than sony has at this point. my email is its only a 33kb file so shouldnt be hard to send at all.
    Thank you if anyone is able to do this for me.