Necro AA help please

Discussion in 'Mages' started by gaymer77, May 2, 2017.

  1. gaymer77 Active Member

    So my necromancer hit 100 last night and now I'm looking to see where I should be spending my AA's. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. captainbeatty451 Well-Known Member

    One decision that necromancers have to make is whether they want to go with a dual conversion spec and take rotflesh or go full right side prestige spec and do graverot. Currently, the rotflesh spec always does much better for me on single target fights. The increased potency that you get from it, along with the fact that over a duration single target fight, rotflesh ususally performs better than graverot in terms of the damage it does makes the dual conversion more desirable. I also like how it feels like our bursts are a bit more in our control using rotflesh, whereas graverot is a proc. Sure it goes off a lot, but I'd prefer to have control over one of my hardest hitting abilities. This will become even more fun when the fervor rune drops.

    Other than that piece of advice, feel free to look over my spec. The fastcure one is what I use for raiding and heroics. It's a mix of strong dps and decent survivability. There's always things you can do differently or test out, but it would at least give you some ideas to think about.

    As for casting, one tip that I have found makes my necro more fun to play is to have bloodcoil (with a macro to /pet attack) soulrot, and lifetap as keys on your keyboard. There is a lot of solo content that you can just get by with those 3 skills alone, and it's nice to be able to just keystroke them rather than clicking. and you can save the clicking for your main burst rotation, which until you get your ascensions would look something like spellbind, rotflesh, unda, swarm pets. Though some might argue to put swarm pets ahead of rotflesh to allow spellbind to buff them for more of their duration. I go back and forth on it, and ascension has thrown everything that is specifically necromancer, other than rotflesh, out of whack for me.

    Have fun!
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