Native Mettle H3: Forgotten Bells - make them heirloom

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Sephris, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. Sephris Member

    As the title states,

    Please make the "Forgotten bell - Rings" and "Forgotten bell - Wrists" loot items heirloom. I know the fully upgraded rings, wrist, and corresponding adorns are to be the "chase" items of this first portion of the expansion, but unlike previous chase items such as the adorn sets from Den II Challenge mode or even Backwoods Brawl an entire group can not complete their upgrades all at once. If a set group of 6 ran den II they would all finish their adornment set at the same time because it was guaranteed based on the number of runs.

    Here in Native Mettle H3, there is a RNG element since looting the required item to progress your upgrades is the method of delivery. It is entirely possible that some people will finish their items before others, drastically reducing their desire to run the zone and help others complete the same set of upgrades. Because of this, i propose that the "Forgotten Bells" be made heirloom. This will allow people to run the zones more often, as well as help run others through the zone for their upgrades and still benefit. If a "main" completes their wrist/ring, at least they can benefit from more runs on their main and begun upgrading the item on an alt. If they run the zone on an alt they can just transfer the bells to their "main" to complete the set easier.

    Please make the "Forgotten bells" heirloom!
    Elinea, Brev, Benj and 3 others like this.
  2. Smashey Well-Known Member

    I disagree.

    If people want the adornment, they need to farm the bells on the archetype they want to use it on as the mechanics change wildly per archetype.
    Beee likes this.
  3. Beee Well-Known Member

    A better way would be a minimum lockout timer of 18 hours, and keep or rise maxilum timer.

    This zone is really fun, but 3 days minimum timer is booring.

    And as additional feedback: Loot of the first 2 nameds is just a throw away .. not even for alts usefull. :(

    Maybe the bells could be more often too.. everyone needs 2x 7 = 14 bells (ring + waist) it's really hard to get the correct 84 bells for a full group within a life ;)
  4. Sephris Member

    I didn't suggest reducing the lockout timer, with the thought that it usually already happens with either GU 1 or GU 2, so no reason to request it now as it most likely wont be granted if its a planned change for later.