Mythical Damage Ratio Nerf - Discuss Politely

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-Gealaen_Gaiamancer, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gealaen_Gaiamancer Guest

    Kandar said:
    Many current mythical weapons were given an extra damage multiplier. They are currently receiving twice the damage they were intended to. We pained over how to not make a reduction [nerf], but the overall cascade would affect balance and content for years. Unfortunately, the damage is too high to be balanced properly or ever be replaced over the long term. We are going to be bringing current mythical weapon damage down as a whole.

    Yes, this mythical change will include the current Skyshrine mythical drops and end line Beastlord mythical weapons. These weapons will remain significantly higher damage rating then anything Fabled that is currently available.
    Some mythical item drops from Skyshrine will be coming up in quality as some shields and other items were not as good as was intended.

    I'm a fan of future-proofing (okay, minimizing MMO-flation when possible) the game, so this doesn't really bug me too much. But I bet there will be a *LOT* of cranky people right about ... now.
  2. ARCHIVED-Neiloch Guest

    I'm glad they are fixing this after all this time. But I'm also mad they are fixing this after all this time.
    My problems with mythicals were really never the stats or that they dropped in heroic zones. My problem was that the raid equivilents were in zones no one raids anymore. It's debatable PoW raiders will raid drunder long at all even after the drunder item revamp. Call me crazy but I think the best weapons should drop in the hardest zones, not be super rare in easy zones.
  3. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Hey, I'm just thrilled 4 months into the exansion they've started to look at itemization ;)
  4. ARCHIVED-Gealaen_Gaiamancer Guest

    I think I'm losing the rhetorical self-bet. Or the cranky people are off being cranky somewhere else. :)

    Agreed--4 months is a long time to wait for itemization fixes (even if only for a miniscule set of items when compared to total relevant items in the game) ... and at the same time it's a remarkable turn-around time compared to 'usual.' Or, to be fair, what seems like usual. ;)
  5. ARCHIVED-Lamatu Guest

    After getting my mythical a few weeks ago I was looking forward to finally not having to replace my weapon with the next gear reset like has happend since SF with EM raid armor being worse than the new quested legendary stuff.
    I'm more upset that once again DEVS seem to not know thier own game and would like Kander to explain to us what the point of having mythical weapons dropping in Heroic zones was. If the nerf rating is severe enough I would expect others would not run CD and the like as many times a day as they do now if they have access to EM raid weapons or faction stuff.
    I'm sure there will still be those who will covet anything Mythical no matter the stats though.
  6. ARCHIVED-Neiloch Guest

    Gealaen_Gaiamancer wrote:
    Give it a day.
    I'm sure some people will come in here complaining about how hard they 'worked' at getting those myths. Or coming up with some excuse as to why they shouldn't with their real reason being that they blew 10k buying loot rights for one and don't want further buyer's remorse. I've ran lyceum over 100 times trying to get a myth bow FYI.
    farming easy zones != work
    The beastlord myths aren't exactly easy to get, but they've always been out of line regardless of how hard they are to get. Very overdue for their adjustment.
  7. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    Weapons of that power should never of been found in heroic dungeons in the first place.
  8. ARCHIVED-kingela Guest

    guess they just want more do stop.......
  9. ARCHIVED-Draylore Guest

    Figured this was comming....typical SOE.......Give people reason to run content beyond the initial need then kill it. We are suppose to believe that they had no clue about future itemization effects when they put those weapons in 4 months ago? lol ok.
    Considering how easy SS faction is to get and how easy EM SS raid gear/weapons is to get, the SS instances especially CD,Lyc,DP really will not serve much purpose. Chance for Myth for myself or a friend is really only reason I have to run those instances. Suppose UD still useful for getting faction gear for alts.
    No idea how long we have til next gear reset...err expansion......not sure what they hope to accomplish now that they could not accomplish then without taking away reason for people to continue running current otherwise pointless content until then.
  10. ARCHIVED-alaplayer Guest

    Geothe wrote:
    I for one am glad that they did this.
    They should remove them from the solo and heroic zones as well, but that entitlement door has already been opened.
    But Kudos to them for righting this wrong, in no way is it the least bit reasonable that mythical items drop in heroic zones but for them to exceeed raid items of the same tier on the level that they did is mind boggling.
  11. ARCHIVED-etch666 Guest

    A sensible nerf but annyoing that it takes this long to notice it needed changing.

    However if Drunder mythicals are nerfed then I will delete the game from my hard drive.

    Good day.
  12. ARCHIVED-Draylore Guest

    etch666 wrote:
    "Yes, this mythical change will include the current Skyshrine mythical drops and end line Beastlord mythical weapons"
    The wording in their statement sorta leads me to believe that its not just the SS easymode Myths getting nerfed.
  13. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Draylore wrote:
    The BL one comes off of Statue HM kills, they specially omitted discussing the ones that come from the Zeks.
    I don't know if thats cause they already lumped those into the drunder gear revamp, or if because they are excluded cause they feel they're representative of the difficulty to obtain and will simply be nerfed later ;)
  14. ARCHIVED-Draylore Guest

    The good news is I can probably go back to using 6sec raid weapons and not have to worry about auto-attack timing during conceal chains anymore =P
  15. ARCHIVED-Tuckker Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    This is not "looking at Itemization", which would include looking at it all; such as my solo mobs (contested) drop better itemization gear than heroics with access gates or why quest rewards are better than raid drops.

    Geothe wrote:
    Isn't the ranged items the only ones better than what is available via raids... The staff's I've seen were worst than trash dropped fables in SA stat wise, the only difference was the myth's had 4 focus rather than 2 from the raid ones.
  16. ARCHIVED-tomsky Guest

    etch666 wrote:
    Quoting for emphasis.
    Heroic mythicals were a bad idea in the first place. With the drop rate on Drunder HM ones being so slim, don't nerf them to the same level as heroic ones.
    No item from a HM raid boss, should be equaled by an item which can be done by 2 people. Thats like saying you've worked for 50 years, have yourself a mansion, and then giving away mansions to anybody who leaves college.
  17. ARCHIVED-Lamatu Guest

    They could be doing this because the new paid xpac comes in November and they can't have uber gear from a free GU competing with new paid content since every xpac is supposed to be a gear reset.
  18. ARCHIVED-Twyxx Guest

    What would be the point of running any Skyshrine zone after this? The UD mount...bout it. Once you've run each of the easy mode zones 2-5 times you'd have every piece of gear you could use. And the challenge modes are only for alt gear because you can't kill them until you have gear way better than what drops in there.
    I hope they significantly increase the Drunder myth drop rates if those are going to keep the damage rating they currently have. I'm all for raiders earning their rewards, but when the drops are just extreme luck based (<1% drop rate) that's not hard work...that's luck. Hard work was running killing Tallon same amount of times as Errrorr, running Lyceum 150 times, then finally paying 7k plat in auction for my inferior myth.
    That's fine if you want to kill the damage rating on the myths and take away the incentive to run any of the limited content that people are already bored of, but then give us some new content. Or gear to chase (make cm rewards match the challenge). How bout a reason to ever set foot in Withered Lands? Any reason to log in outside of raid. I've loved playing this game, but that love is fading rapidly.
    When you demonstrate over and over that you don't know what you're doing with itemization and keep jerking everything around, the playerbase can't trust you. You put a carrot out there for us to chase then, when we catch it, you change it to a nerf carrot we're eventually gonna stop running after it. There's only so many laps I can run around an empty guild hall before I find a new game.
  19. ARCHIVED-bluedego Guest

    sigh.. well now i have no reason to run heroic again.
    What is a raider supposed to do when hes not raiding???
    Now i have ummm.. farm plat.. and umm farm plat .. and umm logout..
    back to diablo.
  20. ARCHIVED-slippery Guest

    I think this was necessary. The DR's where just too high. They should have lower DR (including BL Myth). They're still going to be better then normal stuff and worth it, but it isn't going to make such a massive difference.