Mystics wards are OP

Discussion in 'PvP & Battlegrounds' started by Pippin, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Pippin Active Member

    I know Im gonna get a whole string of work with the temps and wards comments...

    BUT... All other healers Drop in roughly the same kinda way temps apart. Mystics just kinda stay untouched...

    Im sure someone more qualified than me can explain why. Or maybe its because I just need to learn to play after 10 years of playing EQ2 and playing BG since they started....

    All I know is a decent mystic makes it an easy win or a horrible loss for the most part.

    Probably something to do with interrupts other classes have to deal with that mystic only has to manage every now and then once the wards have been cast.

    I can shred apart all 92 healers with the right combos... except mystics... I can offload and offload and it has very little effect... let alone fully equipped 95's
  2. acoloss Active Member

    You probably already know these..

    • they can cast a big ward without being interrupted, including movement - this "probably" (i'm not sure) can refresh ancestral channelling which is a 3 ticks massive group heal...
    • Don't use your big attacks while Totemic is up (use act for trigger or look for the buff)
    • they have a perma regen ward against physical dmg (defilers version is against magical dmg)..
    + other stuff like Oberon.. they probably have an advantage over a defiler.. but not a massive amount..

    but the main thing is.. some times you can't burn a healer, and the problem in a BG is you don't have all day to fight him..
    with some mana regen gear on, and some rune of mendings, you could probably kill him by draining his power if you can't burst through his wards... just not in a bg.

    if it was a level 92: maybe he had some old school gear on which a lot are wearing... which reduces critical dmg by 50%+...
    this doesn't mean you do half dmg on them... but maybe, just an average guestimate 25% less dmg on them.
  3. Luanne Active Member

    In BG, cc the healer, kill the dps classes that threaten your team the most. If you have a tank, tank taunts melee, your dps kills mages. It's all situational. Most healers stack pvp crit mit, or toughness and you won't be able to kill them easily, but most dps stack lethality and die very fast so instead of trying to kill the healer, kill the dps works in most cases. Of course with 5 healers and 5 tanks on both sides this just ends up a mess. That's when power drain is a huge factor.
    Right now mystics are the best PVP healer in my opinion, still sad that spiritual leadership and channeling and totemic accout for like half their total heal amount if not more.
  4. Ardur Duradan Well-Known Member

    kill the dog. usually stunts some of the mystics abilities right off the bat. They still have alot of defensive stuff to use against you, but that helps alot in BGs imo.
  5. Nediam Member

    Mystics are the weakest healers in BG not by much but the last thing they need is a nerf.
  6. Pippin Active Member

    When you say "weakest healers" is this like an opposites sentence game or something ?

    They are easily the strongest healers in BG. Ever try to burn through Igotwardzforu ?
  7. Radi Member

    Mystics have a two goupcures (+on air constantly?) ?* Or Mystic have Equil?
  8. Delethen Active Member

    Mystics are really not that much stronger than any other healer. As Ardur Duradan posted previously, killing the dog helps a lot. Also if you see totemic protection is on (generally the health bar spamming up is a decent indicator) just switch targets and hit someone else.
  9. Radi Member

    Stop nerfing Mystic! Or better in the past:
    Inq is beast in PvP, BGs and damages as a melee-dps`ers?

    Defiler have Maelstrom and Nightmares
    Warden and Fury... They have always been strong
    Inq - no comments. Everyone knows everything
    Templar... I rarely played them ;)))
  10. Milambers Active Member

    Fury has been the worst healer in PvP for years and years.
  11. Radi Member

    Opinions are greatly differing
  12. Radi Member

    Totemic Protections not only for Mystics!

    If shamans vs all other healers:
    Clerics have a plate with "Steadfast" and Druids cast is veeeery fast
  13. Delethen Active Member

    I don't really want to nerf mystics but I feel I should point out the left side of prestige AA is very good indeed for them.
  14. Twinbladed Well-Known Member

    No healers should be getting nerfs if anything fix the dot cures and recast back to normal.
  15. Ardur Duradan Well-Known Member

    yeah you're naming a raider on the ONLY PVP server, he probably has every bell and whistle to win/contend in pvp as a mystic. Lets get something more general as a comparison, not the exception to the rule.
  16. Pippin Active Member

    I believe I started the topic with a fairly decent generalization already ;)

    Anyone who does not think Mystics are king of the hill of healers on average in BG is kidding themselves or protecting something...

    I play an inq and warden both are easy targets for solo scouts most especially rogues. My BL and Ranger can cause a headache for Inq/Def/Fury/Warden... Temp and Mystic just seem to keep going - most especially Mystic.

    I find the same playing an SK and Necro. I appreciate a class with crowd control such as rogues may not find it the same dealing with those classes but when your arsenal is DPS burn only and you dont have the burst like Sin and BL if you dont catch them off guard u lose.

    Even then Im ok with that - its when I see entire groups beating down on a mystic and nothing happens whilst we get pulled apart slowly but surely by mediocre DPS I start to sigh :p
  17. acoloss Active Member

    you need some good healers on your side :D

    but igotwardzforu is one of the best mystics btw....
    they are probably the best healers.. but he's one of the best mystics

    in the wild you could probably win by draining power (mental breach) and wearing mending adorns.. in a 1 v 1.
  18. Delethen Active Member

    There are many classes I can't kill but your ranger probably can. It's just the way it goes. Doesn't mean necessarily that certain other classes are OP.
  19. Twinbladed Well-Known Member

    Agreed^. Every class in this game has it's worse enemy.
  20. rayden Member

    Pretty narrow minded view here. I don't believe it's out of line to think a healer can survive one scout.