Mystic's Drape of War

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Ainaree, May 8, 2013.

  1. Ainaree Well-Known Member

    I am having a case of extreme remorse after purchasing a rare myth cloak for an obscene amount of DKP - I hadn't realized you couldn't reforge them, for one, and my reading comprehension failed when it came to the on-click ability. Like the Defiler one, I thought it'd at least be group wide.


    As it is.... it's really, really, really bad. We're talking 'might as well not even have an effect' bad. The recast is 5 minutes, so even if you're going to use it to block some spectacular aoe on one person, it won't be up the next time it comes around. Not to mention we're a class with wards so it probably won't come down to having much impact. We would probably get more out of Cogent ... and given the rarity of the cloak, it seems a bit of a bummer.

    Some classes get a resurrection they can click while dead. Some get one of their better defensive abilities made raid or group-wide. Some get their strongest damage ability enhanced. As a comparison.

    I would very, very much appreciate if someone could take the time and change the effect to something else, or modify it in some way or another. I know you guys are busy, but it'd be totally awesome. Thank you for reading.
  2. Blankpk New Member

    Id really love to see this changed.. or at least an answer to why its so horrible. Are mystic's really that OP that we have to get a complete **** myth cloak?
  3. Ucala Well-Known Member

    you mean, 1 class can resurrection while dead :p (dirge)

    think really 1 class gives a raid wide boost to defensive (guardian). unless I am missing stuff,
    1 gives group wide (templar).
    1 doesn't count as "some" imo but whatever.
    personally I think it's too late for cloaks, what I would much rather have is just a quest/questline in the new expac that lets us destroy the cloak and get a static/clicky buff for our myth cloaks (just like ER).
    Dethrayzin likes this.
  4. Shurrikan Member

    There are quite a few of the cloaks whose clicky is deemed "terrible". I agree with Ucala..its too late for these cloaks, the chance for them to make them worth what they should be is passed. If they mess with them now, it will most likely alter what they were looking for with itemization for next Xpac.
  5. Ainaree Well-Known Member

    I posted this like four months ago! Before there were even Bristlebane Cloaks.

    This cloak is obsolete, and is going to be replaced instantly with the new expansion. Sucks that it has no longevity, but the thread no longer matters and there isn't much to be done with it anymore.
  6. Blankpk New Member

    Yep, but its still vary sad :(
  7. Estred Well-Known Member

    Most Mythicals are going to be obsolete. Depending on Stamina levels the Gaurdian's 5% HP Increase may be nice and the Dirges instant-rez will still be useful.