Mystic=Animals/Dog , Defiler=Spirits/Ghost

Discussion in 'Defiler' started by ARCHIVED-Inqr, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Wordington Guest

    That wolf looks like a cute little dog.
    It really fits more to Mystics than to Defilers, the ghost dog would be a little better, as weself can switch to a ghostbird.

    But wolf is kinda boring, i mean we`re into t7 and have seen wolfs since the starting isle.
    Why not something more evil for the evil classes?
    We got Fearknights, Beholders, Ravasects, Shadowcreatures in game already, and ur that fancy u give us a wolf ^^.

    Why ?
  2. ARCHIVED-NurseNammy Guest

    I agree. We are into T7 content yet they can't come up with a different pet to give us. I guess I'm not surprised, they have done this kinda thing to many different classes.
    Oh well, its not that the pet is that useful until you get enough AA's so it becomes immune to Aoe's. Grrr that still makes me mad.
    We are basically forced to go down that AA line if we want our pet to survive.
  3. ARCHIVED-Bloagy Guest

    Its SOE changing things that dont need to be changed. The ghost dog was a SPIRIT COMPANION. this is just a stupid puppy. I love the dog and the option to either make your character itself better with the AS or to make your pet better. personally I chose to make my pet better (the interrupts rock casters :p)
  4. ARCHIVED-Stanng Guest

    Ok here's my 2 cents worth of banter about the silly pet that hits like a mage in a fist fight. Change the graphic to that of a Hellhound or a burnng boar from Splitpaw. Make it something that is suffering and is really pissed of at the fact that you have control over it. And use it as an omen to those Qeynosians who would think of crossing you. " This is what I do to my pet..Imagine what I would do to the likes of a scurge from Qeynos".
    Rest in Peieces, and may Death be with you and all from Qeynos

    Peace !
  5. ARCHIVED-T'Pol Guest

    I really cant understand why so many are upset about the pet i really like it how its now a nice dire wolf :)
  6. ARCHIVED-Ishnar Guest

    well grafics wise, I think the wolf now looks pretty mean. Those fangs are scary! The only thing that would make it more scary would be to have the dog growl in anger and drool like real dogs do.
  7. ARCHIVED-Drhammer Guest

    I do like the way defiler pet look now.
  8. ARCHIVED-Inqr Guest

    Well as the OP, I 'll give my thoughts on the new pet. I like it much better. I'm still not an animal lover but if it has to be a wolf this is satisfactory. The DPS is better which also helps but it seriously needs to be made stronger hell even 2 down is better than 3 down arrows.
    Overall, if we are nature based then why do we get multi-colored chain at T7 as opposed to some type of bone/dead carcass looking armor? What is naturalistic about multi-colored T7 chain armor? The art in this game is so weak that at lvl 70 i'm wearing a mustard colored tank top, blue and green looking jeans, magenta arms, purple forearms, blue gloves and bulky silver snow shoes.......
    Please SOE I understand you hate to allow people to look cool or menacing but please fix the art, [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn] it.
    I look like a freaking Dark Elf Trannie Hooker in my multi-colored outfit.
    Zardoz, 70 Defiler Befallen
  9. ARCHIVED-TheRealMoon Guest

    I agree. It looks quite slick. :smileyhappy:
  10. ARCHIVED-Daisy Lou Guest

    I'd love to see something like the necro's hellhounds.