My Merc Keeps Losing Health when Zoning or Flying

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ancientwolf, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Ancientwolf Member

    As the title states, whenever I mount and travel, or zone, my mercenary loses about 50% of its actual health. I'm playing a warden at level 95. Its also the only character I have where the merc does this.
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    You're a healer and you give your merc one or more stamina buffs (group and possibly pt as well). These are reapplied every time the merc 'appears', but the health to go with the added sta isn't added.
  3. Nunja Well-Known Member

    Shouldn't have to rebuff every time you zone...never did before. Something is wrong when you constantly have a merc dropping atleast 50% of its health everytime you zone or fly. Mine are doing it as well and weren't a week ago.
  4. Eileithia Active Member

    Same problem here - even more noticeable on channeler - Pet takes a dump in HP every time you land (And the intercept buffs drop)
  5. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    If you are having to recast buffs, that is definitely a bug.

    However, if it is just a case of the buffs being temporarily suspended, then that is understandable*. Ask a player of the appropriate class to join a group and cast the buff upon you, then to walk away until you tell them to stop. Keep an eye on your maintained buffs window until you see the buff drop (which will drop your hit point total, but since your new max is equal to your current HP - usually - it should show as 100%), then have the person come back while keeping an eye on your hitpoints. You'll notice that your hitpoint total remains generally constant (except for the amount regenerated during each tick), while the percentage initially drops (this is because the percentage is comparing your current hit points to your hitpoint max - the latter of which increases with stamina buffs), then regenerates until current HP matches max HP.

    The same thing normally happens to mercs that receive stamina buffs or other HP buffs. When you fly, the merc is considered to be where you took to the air until you land and it updates the merc's location**. When you zone, the merc does not travel along with you in a buff bubble, so those buffs are reapplied automagically when the zoning is complete.

    * Which seems to be the case for at least one (possibly more) respondents in this thread.
    ** There is an exception to this. When you resume the merc in mid-flight, it will spawn on the ground beneath your character and do its best to keep up.
  6. Lygerr Active Member

    except this isn't a reasonable expectation. my gf has mentioned it to me on her fury the same as above. why would only healer classes have to accept this?
  7. Nunja Well-Known Member

    First of all buffs are persistent even through zoning and flying ....have been since ages ago. This is a completely new bug...never had any issues until this last patch so somewhere someone messed something up.
  8. Mermut Well-Known Member

    This behavior has been around for quite a while, before, however, the buffs where simply to health and the amount was small so you didn't notice the 'non capped' hitpoints on mercs. Now, however, most health buffs have been changed to stamina buffs and each point of sta now gives 30, rather then 10, hitpoints at 95.
    You're not recasting the buffs, they're just being reapplied when the merc 'reappears'. The merc probably has roughly as much health when you land/zone as it does for non-priests. Then the priest buffs are applied (by the game, not reapplied by the player) and the max health goes up w/o the corresponding health points to top them off.
  9. Eileithia Active Member

    If all of your buffs are resetting on zone (you need to re-cast them), its likely due to AAs. The system's trying to give you points in something you haven't earned yet (Like 2nd Heroic endline) so it re-applies your AAs as if you just switched profiles, effectively dropping all of your buffs. If you are using a copied/loaded AA spec this is the likely culprit.

    As for the HP drop issues with flying / zoning.. this is a bug that needs to be fixed
  10. Lygerr Active Member

    priest buffs wouldn't account for half a mercs health, it also isn't apparent on non priests that also buff stamina and health which you would see on a lesser scale. this is simply a bug that affects only certain players/classes.
  11. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Is anybody having this issue on any toon that isn't a priest (or perhaps some other class that gives out stamina buffs)?
  12. Sylke Well-Known Member

    I'm not having this issue on my Mystic, but I also can't get single target STA/Health buffs to apply to my merc.

    I know a Warden and Fury that were having the issue. I wonder if it might be a bug with the "ToV" health buff disabling on your merc while you fly.
  13. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    I have a spell that provides a small stamina (and intelligence) boost. I have the same problem, it just isn't near as noticeable at level 95, because the percentage of the total HP provided by that spell is really low. Since the amount added is a flat amount of stamina added, it doesn't comprise more than 2% of any merc's HP (out of those that I use with my main - there may be mercs with extremely low HP totals that get more than a 2% boost that I haven't personally witnessed). However, the stamina boost still disappears when I fly or zone - just like it does for some healers (if not with quite as much of a difference between buffed and unbuffed).

    tl;dr - It isn't just healer classes that it affects. It is just more noticeable with healers, because the stamina/HP boosts of healers are greater than those of many non-healer classes.
  14. Ancientwolf Member

    Watching the numbers upon landing, zoning, and at full stop are definitely different. It IS the equivalent of half the mercs health being GONE, and leaves you, especially if you engage right away, with a merc in need of immediate healing, EVERY time.
  15. Alenna Well-Known Member

    I"ve only noticed on my priests i'll look at my others when i get on
  16. Darkhorse Member

    I'm having the same problem on my Warden. Anytime I fly and then land my Merc is at half life. I reported the bug and was hoping this was a wider issue so that it will get fixed. It started around 2 weeks ago. I hope a blue sees this and responds. Its quite annoying.
  17. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I paid more attention to my merc today... whenever I was airborne, his max health was 400k and change. When we were in AS zones, his max health is over 800k.
  18. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    What buffs do you have on the merc, and what buffs does the merc have on himself? (Specifically, I'm wondering about buffs that either boost Max HP directly or that increase stamina - which, in turn, boosts Max HP.)
  19. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Warden buffs.. so aspect of the forest (wis and 195 sta), Essence of the Great Bear (group buff for mit and 84 sta) and Armor of the Seasons (group buff that gives mit to non-figthers and 800 sta to fighters). ToV merc doesn't have any health buffs for himself.
  20. Algid Member

    Your buff is not 800 sta to fighters, its 8 HP per sta point extra. So instead of 30 hp per sta, hes getting 38, then add your Max sta buffs/Max hp buffs. It's a lot more then you think. I know with a Templar/Fury I go from 800k hp to 1.35mil.