My Experience as a returning newbie

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Vlayue, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Oldtimer Active Member

    Something like that above KR? Just highlight it all to see the full post :)
  2. Filly67 Well-Known Member

    I keep playing because I have established characters and have my hand in all sorts of things. But, the game has gotten stale and any changes or updates at this point will not be game changing. No matter how many "suggestion" threads are started and done to death. Right now this game, to me, is like reading a book during my downtime. I harvest, quest, TS, maybe decorate. It's something to do when I need to decompress from real life. Plenty to keep me busy but I don't feel like there is any progress to be made. I very rarely group and am too sick of raiding to ever go back there. Our four accounts are paid through 2014 and my hope is that I will be trying out EQnext by then.

    If you are looking as a new or long time out returning player to have a game with a huge social aspect this is probably not the one for you.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  3. Khadoc Member

    I find this thread interesting, at least on the server I have started playing on (AB) it seems there are plenty of folks wanting to help newbies like myself. I think though when a game gets stale, its time to move on for those who have spent too much time here. If it's no longer fun, time to stop. For myself, I have MMO jumped periodically when the game is as far as I want to deal with it. However, as a new player to EQ2, I'm enjoying what it offers for me. Yes, I am a casual player, my RL requirements give me only a bit of time to enjoy MMOs after the workday is done. EQ2 fulfills this. For the timezones I play, I have seen a decent amount of activity on my server. At least there are people I interact with periodically. The previous MMO I played, not many people were anywhere accept in the main city zones waiting for raids to happen. Boring. Also, while leveling in EQ2 is a lot easier than it was in EQ1, it's still more challenging than WoW. At least there is fun stuff to do. Maybe I'll change my mind in a year or two. Maybe when EQ Next hits, I'll switch. But the game is pretty robust for new players. As an MMO vet that started playing I dunno....back in 2000, I'm pretty impressed with this game for as old as it is. I suppose the jaded veterans here have few good things to say anymore...but as a brand new player...this has been a pretty solid experience so far. It does help that my wife and I work as a team in the game so we always are grouping together.

    But really, there are folks that are pretty helpful and nice on the AB server. Keep up the good work to those who still enjoy the game ;)
    Finora and Chocoholic like this.
  4. Regolas Well-Known Member

    There's a lot of negative and pessimistic people that frequent these message boards. They're just giving their experiences and opinions, not everyone.

    This game is wonderful. It's not perfect but it's still good. If it wasn't then these people who are so pessimistic would slide away quietly because they just don't care. The fact that they're vocal shows they care.

    This game could always use more people, but less people just means you have to work harder to interact, not that it's not there.
    Finora, Karrane and Alenna like this.
  5. Seliri Well-Known Member

    ur kolorz inspire me
  6. Oldtimer Active Member

    1. if my coolorse.
    2. imp sire you then plz
    3. why this numors#?
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  7. R.J. MacReady Active Member

    The sub model made money by having a big need for grouping had to draw in your friends to play = More subs.

    Today ..with Mt's , the dev's have figured out they can make a killing by empowering the solo player. Today's solo player is a God in comparison.

    The game is actually all 2 man groups. You & your Am Ex.
  8. Karthic New Member

    The right guild goes a very long way in this game. Some guilds advertise that they are new and returning player friendly, and then there are some guilds that actually are.
  9. Taka Active Member

    This. There was a review of brand spanking new SOE Planetside2 on Massively.. I basically says the game functions well but you feel alone unless you find a guild.

    It's a social game.. find a guild.. find some friends.. use your who all level range and ask to join most will say yes. Otherwise, you will be soloing or playing with your merc (or amex heheh). Freeport and AB are the most populated it seems.

    but true story, tons of people would use dungeon maker 1-89.. (post 86 your in velious, anyway :)) if they JUST FIX IT.. make it a 1-90 tool that requires a tank and healer and 1 dps and 4 four other classes. Have it work on multi-queue system. So as groups are made people can what dungeon finder they want to join.

    They already have scaling dungeons and several of them.. befallen, guk, silent city, palace, crypt of valdoon to name a few AND there is chronomage quests and bonus.

    The game is certainly not new.. but there is still a vibrant community and the fact that new players are still trying it out speaks volumes in this day and age of so many MMOs on the market. So come on in find a friend the waters nice and warm.

    /who all <fighter/priest/mage/scout> <[-5 levels][+5 levels]>
    /tell <name> looking for more?/can I join you?/I'm lonely can i play wit chu?

    Not everyone in this game is uncooperative, pessimistic or selfish but like any community there are various personalities.
    Alenna and Finora like this.
  10. clapisback Active Member

    I don't know what the subscription numbers are for this game, but I doubt it's even 100K. Most players are at cap or close to it, and have been for awhile. I've actually played since early 2005, quit in 2008 and came back recently. OP you are 100% correct that nobody uses the dungeon finder until later on. You pretty much have to quest and grind all the way up, or get lucky and find a guild with alts who regularly do lower level dungeons together. For me, that was too much work so I just get a merc and go do any dungeons by myself.

    This is an awesome game, but yeah the population is not like the other game you played which I assume was WoW. Antonia Bayle is the highest population server, but it's a role-playing one and I don't know if that's your thing.
  11. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    The only feature in the dungeon finder than is used "later on" is the reset persistent instances one.
  12. clapisback Active Member

  13. Gargamol Member

    Grouping is dead for two reasons

    1) Sony got lazy with actually thinking about loot, and had already screwed up progression, so handed loot generation over to a script that generates the most lame, uninspiring, boring, 'rewards' I have ever seen, all based on a simple single number the devs plug into it.

    2) Solo rewards have been SO upscaled it has removed any and all motivation to do any group content. It started as some kind of very rare surprise reward that can happen for fun, grew to be better and better, more common and more common, and to this day is whined about because it doesn't drop every 10min solo run.

    So why bother grouping for lame boring rewards that are very little or even worse that what you can get solo, guaranteed, in a third the time, in a far shorter amount of time, in a far easier zone...
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  14. Mixxit Active Member

    I really hope they fix dungeon finder because i me and my 95 conjy friend can never find groups before 10pm UK time
  15. Malvin Member

    Sony screwed up this game pretty bad. When they went free to play they destroyed the community, this game use to be by far the best community and mmorpg around but I think executive decisions by Sony destroyed that. It's now 80 dollars for people to return to the game which is a barrier for people coming back. It's very odd to be honest, it's almost like Sony doesn't want people to play their game.
  16. clapisback Active Member

    Actually, Mal, the community still seems decent even after the F2P introduction. 1-9 chat can be a bit silly at times, but I've yet to hear any racist slurs and little cursing of any kind. I will say the community does seem younger now, but that's not always a bad thing if they behave :cool:
  17. Taka Active Member

    I having come back one day one of EQ2X when people rejected the idea.. but Sony learned from it and still learning and the game is that much better now.. any new player can come in and have all bags and any race/class combo (thank you this wonderful).. the membership barriers still exist but with krono and friendly players... maintaining this game is very convenient although it does required some time to be invested upfront to get anywhere near endgame....
    Most people play games to enjoy the content not to beat it as fast as possible and put it down.. when that does happen that just indicates lack of content.. This game has no shortage of content..

    And other players paid or not... are other forms of content..

    The market influx of an mmo about dern near anything is no ones fault.. players coming and going is a natural state of affairs that is only battled my small,rapid updates and improving the player experience. The advantage EQ2 has is age.. mmos that people started with they tend to stick to/come back to .. so leaving for <insert hot-mmo-of-the-day> is temporary. Generally many are hestitant to leave 8-9 years of their life behind with nothing to show for it. Others drop it cold turkey. :)