Murder in Qeynos

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Roose Bolton, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Roose Bolton New Member

    Hello all!
    Once upon a time, almost ten years ago now, I bought Everquest II. Back then, I played a half-elf templar for a good while, but the game never hooked me the way I hoped to.
    About half a year ago, I decided to return to Norrath and lo! and behold. I found it much more to my liking.

    However, there is one thing that makes me eat hats and gnash my teeth and gnaw my tongue. Whenever I (try to) ride or walk through Qeynos - particularly the docks area and the capitol district - the game crashes. I am aware that this happens to other adventurers as well, but I have not been able to find a solution (so far). It is quite frustrating; at the moment, for example, I am trying to hand in a quest, but to do this I have to restart the game four-five times because I crash on my way to the Elddar Grove. I know, I can use the "travel within qeynos" option when I arrive at the docks, but between the docks and the grove there is also my apartment and the Ironforge Exchange hall, and I like to enjoy the sights.

    I've ended up pretending there is an assassin loose in Qeynos and everytime I crash I've been backstabbed by said assassin, but I am not sure how long I can enjoy that bit of self-imposed roleplaying before it gets old. So, any solutions?

    While I'm here, I have another Qeynos-related question: What's up with the magical shield and the endless torrent of dragons above it?

    Thank you for your time.
  2. Feylone Active Member

    I can answer the shield/dragon one the easiest. The new expansion Tears of Veeshan has the dragons on the loose. Hence the shield around the city.

    As far as the crashing, not sure. Only thing I can suggest is crank down the performance setting. Try turning to extreme performance and give it a go. Other than that, you'd have to post more info about your computer system. ;)