Moving Backwards

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Daltharr, Aug 14, 2022.

  1. Daltharr Active Member

    I bought a starterpack on Fallen Gate TLE server a few years ago. I dont recall everything it included, but there was a pair of boots that increased my speed by 15 %, advertised to stack with all my other speedbuffs. It was basically the same as Journeymans Boots of Adventure, but they where called Legendary Journeymans Boots, and the proc also had a different name. - But they have been renamed, theyre now called the same as eg the ones from the Undying Crate.
    And the proc no longer stack with any other speed buff I have active. It stack with most. but it wont stack with itself.
    Its obviously not kool to change the name of an item to bring it in line with with similar effects of items that both has been used as sellingpoint for a specific pack.
    I dont know when the names was changed, but its relatively recent. I paid cash for the things, specificly to get the proc.Plz change it back so it provide the effect it had when advertised the day of the sale. - Im not asking for much. I just want what i paid for