Monks should not be tanks

Discussion in 'Guardian' started by ARCHIVED-Qilin, Oct 27, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Qilin Guest


    Message Edited by Raijinn Thunderguard on 10-28-2005 09:32 AM
  2. ARCHIVED-Prufrock Guest

    While i agree vanguard has much hype to kick [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn], so did eq2. Posts like this just don't make sense until the game is released. They could easily decide monks are tanks before beta is over and the game is released, or at any point during the game.

    I don't think they will, i think 6 tanks classes is the second dumbest idea ever, the first being resisted taunts, but the point is they could. Vanguard could be worse than this game once they're done.
  3. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Yeah, luckily for you Vanguard currently only has 4 tank classes, which can all tank equally well. LoL. They are using the same system EQ2 is. Of course I'm sure you don't want to hear that.
    Monks are uber in Vanguard anyway.
  4. ARCHIVED-TunaBoo Guest

    eqoa got monks right, they are kung fu brothers of rangers.
  5. ARCHIVED-Greytoon Guest

    7.3 How does choosing classes work?
    "First, it's important to point out that Vanguard is a 'multi-sphere' game, where at any given time your character actually has three classes: adventuring, crafting, and diplomacy. Also our primary goal isn’t to create a perfect, balanced class system."
    Thought you read up on this stuff Giage?
    7.4.1 How will you deal with the hybrid vs. specialist issues?
  6. ARCHIVED-Nemi Guest

    Seems strikingly familiar to me. In essence Everquest2 has 4 classes it needs to balance : Fighter, Mage, Scout and Priest. I think Vanguard will have a much harder time trying for balance when they consider they have 2 other aspects of the class to balance, Diplomacy and Tradeskill.

    What you will end up with is EQ1: There will be set classes that excel at the game, the rest will be subpar and only chosen by those people that actually care about lore and flavour.
  7. ARCHIVED-Qilin Guest

    Wow, even Gaige likes Vanguard monks, and they are not tanks. My point exactly.

    Say what you will, I am convinced that our problems are being driven by taking a damange dealer and trying to make them tanks at the same time.
  8. ARCHIVED-Sasaki Kojiro Guest

    Bruce Lee can kick Sir Lancelots Butt!
  9. ARCHIVED-Shakir1065 Guest

    Gaige, you should go read up on it a bit more. They want all classes to have a specific role. Wariors will be the best raid tanks in that game. Yes all the others can do it, but wariors will be best. But you can stay here where leather men rule.
  10. ARCHIVED-Trook Guest

    I agree.. I read that as there will be no Archtype system in Vanguard. I honestly believe that is the way to go.. Warriors are the preferred Raid tank. You wanna Tank raid mobs.. roll a Warrior, You wanna Heal Roll a Priest etc..
    Hopefully Folks will not go to VG when it is released and "Want" to be a raid tank but instead roll a Monk then 3 months later [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn] because the Warrior can Raid Tank better than monks. Hopefully they will do their research and roll the correct toon for what he would "Like" to do in game the first time around.
    Although I firmly believe the Vanguard folks will get it right the first time and not release the game before it is running as intended. I am pretty sure they are very familiar with the release of EQ3 and how severly it affected the game mechanics and the characters as a whole and the fact that folks rolled the toons they wanted and then months later were told they had to "relearn" their "New" characters.
    Looking forward to try Vanguard out.. Looks appealing so far :)
    Message Edited by Trook on 10-28-2005 05:24 AM
  11. ARCHIVED-Prufrock Guest

    It sounds to me like Gaige is the only one actually doing the reading here.

    You guys can read the FAQ until you're blue in the face, it was created quite a while ago. Read through the forums. Here's what Gaige is talking about...
    In the "Aha!!! Classes!!! Need some feedback here." thread,
    Elidroth was spotted 08-08-2005 at 12:39 AM saying: [IMG][IMG]
    All of them.

    The heavy fighters all tank equally well. It's how they go about their other activities that really define the class. You will still have reasons for wanting one
    tank over another given a specific situation, but all of them will take a punch just as well as the others.

    I know some people want to know every little detail before they ever get to play the game, but where's the fun in that? So if we're a little vague at times, it's
    usually in order to preserve the sense of exploration and discovery about that particular facet of the game.

    The one thing they are not going to have is an avoidance tank since they believe it's so impossible to truly balance. But all tanks will be tanking equal.

    Here's a great site that has all the dev responses, searchable even.
  12. ARCHIVED-Yrieldom Guest

    Actualy you should read up on it a bit more.

    "They also provide a way to group like skills and abilities. Each class has a primary role they perform, but they also have a secondary role that can and will vary wildly. Our goal is to make each class in a job distinct in style, abilities, and feel, yet still do the job as well as another class in that job."

    Protective Fighters
    Dread Knight

    "The warrior (as well as the other protective fighters) is the meat shield, the tank. He will however have DPS that WILL contribute to the fight when not in a tanking role. If any class is useless unless performing their specific role, then we have failed as designers, and quite honestly, we're not going to fail. - Elidroth"
    Sound like an hybrid Protective Figther/Light fighter eh ? :smileywink:
  13. ARCHIVED-Nemi Guest

    You can post facts, developer posts till you're blue in the face to these people it doesn't matter. All they are interested in is being uber, the best, numero uno, top dog. They fail to realise this is poor game design.
  14. ARCHIVED-Gyilok Guest

    monks should just be deleted from the fantasy scene and head back to kungfu movies where they belong
  15. ARCHIVED-Prufrock Guest


    They don't seem to realize that right now they can be a warrior in WoW and the best and only tank AND have awesome dps.
  16. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    haha some of these guards posts are funny. No matter how many direct qoutes or facts they get they come crying with the same stuff the next day or they just attack the poster's character. Fact all fighters are meant to tank equal in eq2. Fact although i didn't know about it until now there are 4 Equal tanks in vanguard. My guess is alot of guards here will role warriors up in vanguard and cry again when paladins, deathknights. and inquisitors are just as good tanks there and get spells.

    "They don't seem to realize that right now they can be a warrior in WoW and the best and only tank AND have awesome dps."

    Best advice is right there WoW has 1 real tank if thats the game you want. its alot simpler and less complicated and should fit your playstyles better.

    Message Edited by Gungo on 10-28-2005 07:20 AM
  17. ARCHIVED-Sasaki Kojiro Guest

    /agree. If people dont like the fact that all fighters can tank equally effective, then WoW and/or Vanguard is the game for them.
  18. ARCHIVED-Veshtan Guest

    I don't mind that the other classes can tank just as well as us. I just feel if you balance that, you need to balance everything else amongst them too....and they haven't done that. I'd even say that doesn't mean they aren't going to except that MG has posted before that they feel Guard balance is fine. I think they're wrong, and most Guards do. How some of us go about stating that opinion can be rather off, i will admit, but not all of us are whiny little children. I promise :smileyvery-happy:

    On a side note, i think it's very hard to make a class called a Guardian, say they are the best defensive fighter, and not have people conjure up the image that they are going to be the primo tank. I think they can give us things that will make us more defensive oriented....debuffs instead of high DPS, perhaps a group ward (Yes, Nemi, i liked that idea). It's just hard for some people to seperate Guard from best tank anymore. /shrug (i've posted in other threads about wanting the same DPS, i really don't, but we used to have a bunch of Debuffs on our skills,and SOE took them all away, God only knows why, so i guess they don't want us to have them, i'd still rather have that then DPS, but you gotta fight for what you think you might get, eh? )
  19. ARCHIVED-Allowin Guest

    ^----------- typical bruiser garbage.

    if you got your haed of of your you-know-where. you would see that the guardians DONT want to be the most uber of uber tanks.

    i myself dont care if little sissy boys like you want to tank in your leather strap on's. thats fine.

    but when you are playing "caige the dancing brusier tank" I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DO DPS!!!!

    simple as that.

    ive said all along that i care 0 if bruisers monks or even antonia bayle can tank as good as me. but i want to be able to dps if im not chosen as tank.

    all fighter class should be equal right?

    well give me the dps/utility of a bruiser/monks or the heals/wards/lifetaps of a pally/sk and ill be a happy non-tanking guardian
  20. ARCHIVED-Darton Guest

    1) Once again you succeeded in lumping all guardians into one neat 'I want it all' package, wtg your on a roll! Atleast you and gaige have something in common)
    2) on a bit off topic, i thinks its extremely funny that your post ittle says 'Guardian'.

    Continue the flame fest, I need a good laugh, kk thnx