Monk AE agro

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Glundar, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Glundar Active Member


    I know that monks don't have many (any?) AE (blue) taunts however people are still saying that they are able to MT them in ToV heroics and above. I tried it for the first time last night and on the whole was ..... Ok (some practice and hot bar reshuffles needed) however where I really battled was with the named mobs which spawn adds.

    The only think I can think which would help is 100% AEAuto. My build has 3 blue attacks and one green taunt however these were not really enough.

    If you want a look it is here

    Any advise is welcome.

  2. Rojjr Active Member

    The most immediate thing you can do to improve your aoe agro would be to take 10 points in crane twirl, crane flock, and 8 points in swift wings instead of mantis mastery (for now).

    I think you just need to keep working on the character. You are missing a lot of gear, adorns, AA and have a lot of room to grow in that regard.

    As far as gear, the basic setup is 600 dps / 118 MA / 100% reuse self buffed if you are focusing on PUGs and not a set group setup.

    Monks have fewer AoEs than most, but you will have to rely on good timing and targeting more so than some of the AoE heavy tanks. In a lot of cases, you will have to directly target the adds in order to get them. Peel, Reprimand for far away add spawns, Provoking Stance + Challenge will be your friend for groups of linked adds.

    If you have questions you can find me at Oasis.Rojjr .
  3. Sizzla New Member

    First, get down to 100% reuse. Not more, not less. This should be mandatory for monks.

    Until you're better geared, kick some of your excess stats into Hate Mod (around 60%). You'll find better returns there than dps stats until you get some gear, especially in the AoE department. Ease it down into DPS stats as you gear up and become more comfortable with your hate gain.

    With decent timing, Mantis Leap + Crane Flock and 5 points in Enhance: Tranquil Vision should solve most of your AE issues. Pop Provoking Stance when necessary and use other snaps for emergencies.

    That said, your spec could use some basic cleaning up.
    Most of the 'reduces reuse' AA are useless unless they have additional effects.
    You never need 5 points in pressure point.
    Take 10 points in Ancient Focus. Just do it. Terrify / Strength of Mind aren't very valuable.
    Take Tag Team ASAP. Stone Cold too when you have the points.

    I could go on, but I think that covers the basics. Just remember that playing a monk well is all about managing temps.
    Feldon likes this.
  4. Genghes Active Member

    you're going to also want 100% st. if your auto ae's but say half of the hits were avoided then you don't gain as much hate towards the mobs that avoided you. much like everyone has said get to know the class. also AE auto is only going to hit a total of 4 targets. you can use mantis leap to help with hate and you can also use the Draconic effigy to assist you with hate. practice....practice.....practice :)
  5. Silzin Active Member

    Good advice so fare. I would like to add a few thinks.

    1st Prestige, going Double Conversion will help a lot for agro… this is taking all of the 1st row abilities, then going down each side to Tranquil Power and Howling Fist. After that you will have 5 points left over… I recommend 3 in Tranquil Constitution, and 2 in Winds of Retribution. This change will make Dragonfire a Very nice AoE to take and hold agro, with a refresh.

    I like taking some of the Reuse AA, since it frees up some of m Reforging options… but that is me. I would recommend looking at my Mixedtanking Spec for general tanking of non-raid mobs and not Dom.

    In general, an AA that adds to Defense, Deflection, or Parry are useless.

    Also Hostility will make tanking adds and trash much easier. With 8 points in it for me, it is normally second on my Threat list. Ancient Advance is an amassing AA… 10 points makes your taunts into the most powerful attacks you get, Use them a lot.
  6. Glundar Active Member

    Thanks you everyone for the responses. I will be going in and looking into your comments now.
  7. Glundar Active Member

    Silzin why is this?
  8. Silzin Active Member

    The mobs at 90+ have so much of the Contested Skills that these contest against that meens adding to the skill will not give you any noticable increased change to avoid a hit.