Monk 1-50 Combat Arts

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-Jezekiell, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Wanand Guest

    Dragon stance is the best skill there, ups dps by so much
  2. ARCHIVED-Apake Guest

    bump....wish they would sticky all these skills posts
  3. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    That is by design. Its also why skills "con" to you just like armor/items and mobs. Its SoE's way of keeping your hotbar uncluttered. Focused Strike is the "upgrade" to wild swing, hence the same timer. Right about the time you get Focused, Wild should be conning green or white to you. When you upgrade Focused to the same lvl as wild, you'll see additional dmg or affects. That is working as intended.
  4. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Yeah and your defense gets rocked haha.
  5. ARCHIVED-Xanrn Guest

    Is Hand Clap, one of thoose half way through the level combat skills?

    Cause I am 22 and not got it yet. Which is bad cause I got the Adept I already.
  6. ARCHIVED-Cyngii Guest

    I can't say for certain on that exact combat art, but when there are 2 arts given for the same level it's been you get one upon dinging and the next at 60%. Doubt it would change.
  7. ARCHIVED-DrrakoXhaoXing Guest

  8. ARCHIVED-Popo-Jiju Guest

    I'm a 21 monk and never got Sparking Cobra, and it's not sold anywhere either. Anyone know where this comes from?
  9. ARCHIVED-Vandessa Guest

    Sparkling cobra comes halfway through a level I believe. 21.6
  10. ARCHIVED-AceRacer Guest

    err just noticed I didn't get this skill either today. Only found out because I was checking gamegod. Thought maybe it was buyable but finding out it's not.....
  11. ARCHIVED-Kwonryu_DragonFist Guest

    I got Swooping Hawk at 33 and Darting Sparrow at 33.6, not 34!
  12. ARCHIVED-Coraz2 Guest

    That messed me up on my pre order of monk app3s ):<
  13. ARCHIVED-mczhu Guest

    Did a search for skills (grey to orange)on broker today, found a app3 skill called "Break through". Decided to buy it and give it a try and i am able to scribe it. The timer is same as Thrust kick and it follows the 14 level upgrade rules (Thrust kick is 11, and i can use break through at 25)
  14. ARCHIVED-xripperx Guest

    I think this big patch said something about removing break through for monks
  15. ARCHIVED-Dooyas Guest

    Break through is a bruiser skill and is currently bugged and listed as a Tranquility skill which means we get it. When the big patch is rolled out, all monks will lose this skill. Besides Plodding Tortoise is still nice. :)
  16. ARCHIVED-Xanrn Guest

  17. ARCHIVED-RioRio Guest

    We don't get a "cross class" ability in the 40's?

    Example: Paladins get a rez and SK's get an evac.
  18. ARCHIVED-Kwonryu_DragonFist Guest

    I got Stone Stance, Control Breathing and Tiger Style at 40! :D
  19. ARCHIVED-Sterlingdrake Guest

    Bump...Sticky please
  20. ARCHIVED-PeoplesAssassin Guest

    We're too cool, we don't need anyone else's boring skills ;) although evac would be nice!