Not A Bug Missing collectible bags from weekly mission after finishing meta

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Moss, Dec 14, 2021.

  1. Moss Well-Known Member

    EDIT: not a bug ... well received ...
  2. Beee Well-Known Member

    Finishing the meta collection should autocomplete the collections on every alt on the account or we need to get the missing notrade shinies

    Actual it's a bug. We cant get the rewards (eg blue runes) from the collections on alts if we have finnished the meta collection
    Observing likes this.
  3. Beee Well-Known Member

    It's OK not getting the bags on the character who finished the collection, but it's a pitty having a lot of alts with open collections which cant be competed.

    So it's not a bug - just let's say polite: just not very playerfriendly design :mad:

    I need to say too: I really like the actual NO-TRADE shiny mechanism. But the reward shinies ot the collections need to be No-TRADE too - and this was reported months ago
    Observing likes this.
  4. Moss Well-Known Member

    ok, it's not a bug

    so it means it is a "game design" decision (taken by managers who assume their choice) to PUNISH players who have trade meta collectibles to prevent them to complete those collection

    of course it all comes from the fact that the same persons in charge on this "game design" had no idea meta collectibles have been tradable for years and did not know they should have been made no trade

    now we are stuck with:
    - a game design that had many players stuck not being able to complete collectibles on their main and alts because the notrades stop dropping
    - and game designers that seems to ignore the players plea to change the current system to make those notrade drop even after completing the meta, accept their error, move on and do better next time

    it's not a bug, it is a concerted decision to give a bad gaming experience
    morderir likes this.