Minted Masquerade Tokens

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by mickealangelo, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. mickealangelo New Member

    Have run H1 and H2's and Solo's and have found 1 token in the past 5 weeks and our groups does this 3 times a week i know our luck is bad lol but can't be that bad. Need to up the drop rate percentage or maybe take the masks of the tier 3 weapons and the charms. And the new ranged wand is tier 2 and you added mask to it when the tier 2 weapons did not have any Please look into the token drop rate 1 in 5 weeks is not right TY
    Aggy and SolarFaire like this.
  2. Vlkodlak Well-Known Member

    The Minted Masq's have been a broken drop since the beginning. For the average player that doesn't raid, they will be lucky to get enough masq's to buy one item by the end of summer with the current drop rate. The system greatly benefits the higher end raid teams as the contested avatars have the highest guaranteed drop rate x 18 contested avatars = a stockpile of masqs for select individuals.

    A system of trading in the minted coins for masqs needs to be established. Increasing the guaranteed drop rate for weekly's, H2 zones also needs to be addressed. This game is not all about the raiders only, average non raiders deserve the chance to have these items, how fair is it for a player that doesn't raid to look at avatar vendors with little to no hope of ever getting the tiems? I'm not saying they should drop like water but adding them to the weeklies at least is a guaranteed chance to get them outside of raiding.
    axxis32, Aggy and SolarFaire like this.
  3. mickealangelo New Member

    I totally agree i thought this expac was for everyone but guess not as usual there needs to be a random chance to drop in solos as well even if its just on the weekly quest and the solo avatar quest something needs to be done added it up and have gotten 5 total since launch of the mask that's just wrong but have 10,000 plus of the other coins and nothing to spend them on it's a joke
  4. DENSER Well-Known Member

    A raider brings more to db than a non-raider.
    A carrot like any other to push you to have the last ptw thingy to be able to raid to be able to have what you want.
    From my point of view, it makes sense, commercially.
    Surely, an increase in the rate at the end of the extension to alleviate your frustration and make you forget this bad moment before the next one ;)
    Siren likes this.