Minted Masquerade Tokens vs the avatar vendors prices

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Vlkodlak, Feb 17, 2024.

  1. Vlkodlak Well-Known Member

    Minted Masquerade Tokens why is the drop rate on these so absurdly low? With chronic farming of the heroics and avatar raid, we consistently, if anything, we get the camp leveling items, but the drop rate for masks is close to zero. Looking at the current prices on the avatar vendors: and depending on which items are best for you, we are looking at 750+ masks needed to complete, at a drop rate of single digits per month.

    Masks should be added to the avatar camp quests as a possible reward, there is only so much time wasting we are going to put up with just to get coins, but without the masks the coins are worthless. Some of the players have 10, 15, 20,000 coins, but without masks they will just sit there with many of our other worthless currency. Slash the prices on the avatar and chrono merchants, significantly increase the drop rates for chrono and masks.

    The itemization for these events is a pitiful and needs to be looked at by someone else other than the itemization team.

    Thank you,
    Saturnine, CSP84, Aggy and 1 other person like this.
  2. Manafizzle Well-Known Member

    The new trend seems to be that any currency you can readily earn in game is completely useless, and everything else they sell for cash on the marketplace.
    Levv, Scrappyz, Aggy and 1 other person like this.
  3. Smashey Well-Known Member

    Gotta keep killing avatars. If you are doing Heroics for masks your life will be miserable.
    FuRiouSOne likes this.
  4. Aggy Active Member

    That's my plan...just wait a month or two and we will be able to buy the masks on marketplace