Merry Frostfell!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. Unknown Entity Member

    No, their reason is they don't want ingame bags competing with cash shop ones. You can buy 66 slot bags all day long off the shop and they also come with the 'content packs' on the web store.
  2. Twyla Well-Known Member

    Yes, but what I put out there is the most current excuse they've given.
  3. Twyla Well-Known Member

    That is also true; however, what they have replied to our many many many requests for larger bags is what I posted.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Heh! :D

    Yeah, I can see their reasoning now... ;->

    Unknown Entity likes this.
  5. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    how big is the Tinker fest bag that you get for doing a quest, or how about the Brewday backpack ? both have a nice appearance too
    I somehow thought they are 36 slots.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I looked at both of those recently out of curiosity, and iirc, the Tinkerfest one is only 30 slots, but the Brewday one we can make with that recipe we get from Brell is indeed 36 slots. :)

    I like that last one's idea! :D We should have more like that. :)

  7. FalconClash Well-Known Member

    I am resigned to the fact that my Troubi is never getting the Santa broom. Time is running out and bad weather keeps getting in the way of reaching internet sources as often as I need to. :(

    I'll just have to spend the next 2 years building enough tokens for her, and the other character that will share the account some day, to get the merchant versions. Thats assuming I'll still be able to play at all that far in the future.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    Falcon, you can always buy it from the merchant for frostfell tokens.
    You know about the gifty storehouse right ?
    If you go in there and simply clear the entire place, than leave and return right away do it again , and again , and again, and do not turn in the quest, at least not right away.
    To speed up thing mentor down at least 10 levels, You will get 2 kinds of tinkered toys and 2 kinds of wrapped presents.
    you can get a lot of those gift in a short time, you take those up to the top of the doc and sell them to Gixen for frostfell tokens.
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Hugs! :(

    I so wish I could help you out with that; on every server, I've got WAAAY too many of those Brooms, even for everyone in The Horde, and they're Heirloom as mounts. If you convert them to house items (mount "plushies"), they're even more restricted, becoming No-Trade, No-Value, no-nothin', no-way, no-how. :(

    who would love to be able to Trade, Broker, etc. quite a few things from this year (and will the vanity pets of this year be de-Heirloomed next time they show up, like the Festive Sprens were? PLEASE?!)
  10. GrunEQ Well-Known Member

    Too bad we can't sell or give away many of the items including the broom which I would just give to FlaconClash if I could. (I have one toon that has 4 right now) I also don't need 4 or 5 bear cub backpacks either which I have on one toon.
  11. FalconClash Well-Known Member

    If I had any friends who still played regularly I'd ask one of them to log in for me on days that I cant. Sadly everyone I know who plays (which isn't a lot) are to busy with Real Life stuff to even play for themselves.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  12. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    And you'd have to reallllly trust'd so much easier without all the blinkin' Heirloom tags everywhere. On the one hand, I rejoice that the new Curtains are, much like the older ones, not Heirloom once they're out of the box, but then they're several million plat once they're on the Broker. :(

    At least they're available; I was getting ulcers about not having enough of the new Heirloom things to go around on each server for my Hordelings (and actively cursing when I'd get like my 15th extra Tall Green Vine Gift Box, with no way to even put them in a house like a pet there, since they're vanity pets and Heirloom); as it is, I've got one more server to go, and I need just 1 more of the Cub Carriers and that's it, but if my luck with RNGeebus holds true, it might take me 'til Jan. 9 just before midnight to get it. X-P

    who loves the Cub Carriers and would be willing to wear them on most of my Horde, but...Heirloom? Only 30 slots (not at least 32?)? :(
    GrunEQ, Breanna and FalconClash like this.
  13. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    yea I got a bunch last year , and this year even more, but don't get me wrong , people who had not a chance last year still love to get one, or two.
    I also think the idea Heirloom meaning anybody on the same account , on the same server could simply use that mount without having to attune it, the way it used to be years ago.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  14. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    That would be nice, yeah. Remember when we didn't need to first Equip every single one-use or charged thing to be able to use it? :-/

    And yeah, Heirloom is for every alt, but slapping it on everything (or at least 1/3 to 1/2 of the new items), just about, doesn't help folks on our equivalent of Boxing Day. :-/

    who votes that every Vanity Pet (house pets, at least, can be piled up in one location, if need be) that Santa Glug gives out from here on in (and retroactively) has the Heirloom tag removed; how tough would that be to find and fix? Or: how hard would it be to guarantee that an Heirloom thing from a year before would be available on the merchants the next year?
    FalconClash and Breanna like this.
  15. FalconClash Well-Known Member

    Here, Here! I Second that!

    Edit: Jan 6, 24.and still no Broom. 3 days left, Sunday coffee shop is closed. A storm might dump snow on us tonight through Sunday, and I might not be able to get out here Monday and/or Tuesday. I did buy a Merch broom, just in case, but I've been holding back on Attuning it on the chance the last days would be more kind this year...
    ---Edit: Jan 8, 24. No Santa Broom, and more snow expected this afternoon/tonight...
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. Kattt Well-Known Member

    Can someone please clarify when the event ends? In FOUR places on the official DB site and game it says the 9th at midnight, and now a dev personal site tells us at the LAST MINUTE today, which many of us don't check often, is saying something different? WHAT in the world is going on here? You people can't keep doing this to us. We make plans around what you tell us you're going to do. I had plans today. This is not right. This is not acceptable.

    Edit: To be clear, this other site says: "It will end with Tuesday morning's patch"
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  17. Alyndrys Well-Known Member

    I think you have to start doing another Frostfell in July folks !!! In December we have Holidays, new expansion, Frostfell plus adding in January The Year of Darkpaw too many things to do too little time !!! Lol I always wish at the end of these events that I had more time ...
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone, Shaie and Kattt like this.
  18. Strings Well-Known Member

    Um, WHAT?

    In-game calendar has been saying it ends Jan 10 at 2am!


    From this thread "And, of course, all the jolly mischief, quests, collections, achievements, and everything from previous Frostfell events will be yours to enjoy. This event started today (December 5, 2023) at 8:00 a.m. and will end on January 9, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. PST."
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone, GrunEQ and Kattt like this.
  19. Kattt Well-Known Member

    Yup...thats what I said...."WHAT?!" The main site news page says its midnight, the forum news post says midnight, the test announcement forum post says midnight. The calendar said midnight. That is FOUR places we were told different info.

    Yet only yesterday, it was thrown at us at the last minute, that its now being changed and cheating us out of over 12 hours, and ending at downtime. As per the eq2traders website: "Please remember that Frostfell is a special event that needs to be started and ended with a patch. It will end with Tuesday morning's patch, so Monday is your last full day of Frostfell. Plan accordingly!"

    I don't see how we can plan accordingly when its dropped on our heads at the last minute. And who checks non DB websites every day? This is also not accurate information btw. For years and YEARS the events have ended at midnight with no downtime. Many of them. I could go back and find posts and quote dozens of them. I have lost count how many times the events just shut while logged on and then we continue about our game business. If there is a change in the way its done...I am fine with that. BUT, only if you let us know that, and get your information on the same page, AND give us appropriate amount of time to "plan accordingly." It's not just good business to inform customers timely, but its the right thing for goodness sakes.

    Many of us keep grinding tokens until last day to buy stuff. To get as many as we can, now that they've made umpteen items cost TWENTY tokens each, thus giving us never ending grind like mules. We also save that day to wrap things up, like go get more craft tables, stock up on fuels, other vendor stuff, clean up quests, etc, etc, etc. (I didn't get the chance to get the tables btw, NOR run Santa one last time, or ponies, and other things. Because of this sudden unannounced change.) This is completely unfair and just wrong.

    I GOT NO SLEEP LAST NIGHT trying to catch up stuff in a few hours, would should have been a half day to complete. I am exhausted now, and feeling frustrated. (I didn't second-hand get this info until late at night last night,) and thanks to this change, I am fed up with these communication issues. What if I didn't get wind of this info? I would've been left high and dry with hundreds and hundreds of tokens and no items to show for the hours and hours and hours (weeks) of grind.

    I feel like we keep getting jerked around and this isn't the first one. It keeps happening over and over. This is ridiculous.

    I have hung in there despite these things happening among the massive amount of bugs because I have invested so much time and effort and have a community of friends I care about. I have stood up for the people that work in this company because I have faith most of them are good people and creative and hard working. I try to help as much as I can. I do beta and test when I can. WHY does this company keep taking players for granted?
  20. Shaie Active Member

    Oh no, this sucks! I had more items to craft!!! This is NOT RIGHT and they should continue it until midnight tonight, as it has ALWAYS been in the past!
    Kattt likes this.