Merchant Den CM - Beefcake heals of Crusader Lifetaps

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Flatline, May 24, 2022.

  1. Flatline Well-Known Member

    During Reflect, Beefcake heals of crusader lifetaps

    Please Fix (Chrol have been provided with a partial list from act already in PMs on discord to my knowledge)
    Twyla, Dude and Ryve like this.
  2. Dude Well-Known Member

  3. Flatline Well-Known Member

  4. Dude Well-Known Member

    Does the below address your input? If not, my apologies.

    The Merchant's Den [All Versions]
    • Beefcake is now immune to teleport effects from abilities.
    • Challenge Beefcake's Heads of State debuff will no longer trigger its teleport mechanic while he is reflecting abilities.
  5. Flatline Well-Known Member

    Does not :)

    Im specifically saying that when his reflect is active - ie when he is "directionally challenged" any and all crusader abilities that contains a lifetap element as well as a damage element, will heal the mob as well as reflecting the damage/debuff element.

    This was already the case with the sisters fight in BoL as well and was reported back then as well.. apparently its "a bug in how they are handled in the engine" personally just want it fixed as Its rather frustrating as a single trigger will heal beefcake from ie. 60% to full.. in essence you end up killing him 3 times or the like
    Twyla, Ryve and Dude like this.
  6. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    I mean you know when the reflect is coming. So just don't hit those abilities when the reflect is inc (90,80,70,60 and possibly 10).
  7. Flatline Well-Known Member

    i mean you know.. some of those are dots right? not to mention ... its a bug, and its like bloody half a crusader does LOL
    Virtuosity and Ryve like this.
  8. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    I play a pally and have not had that problem. It definitely not half of what every crusader does. I can't speak to SK cause I don't play one. But our SK that does run it does not have this problem regularly.
    It's one fight, it's easy enough to not press one specific button if you can't time it right. Just pointing out you can avoid it pretty easily if it's a recurrent problem.
    There's a lot of abilities that it's way better to not hit during a reflect because dumb stuff happens, but it's easy enough to avoid that stuff if you want. It may get changed eventually but I wouldn't hold hope for that, I mean it makes sense that the reflect of an ability like that let's the mob heal.
  9. Taled Well-Known Member

    I mean.. shouldn't he?

    If he reflects a life tap, then it's him casting a life tap against you, which means he SHOULD heal.

    Doesn't sound like a bug to me, personally, but maybe the devs will agree with you.
  10. Bludd Well-Known Member

    cast implosion during reflect for hilarity :)
    Taled likes this.
  11. Taled Well-Known Member

    I already knew this, but you're a monster.
    Bludd likes this.
  12. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    Why would reflect of what you have casted be a bug, whether it's a heal, etc. I mean, lets' have them remove the no stun/daze/fear from beefcake so I don't have those reflected on myself or my group. We have SK's and Pally's run this zone with 0 issue, because, well they remove them from their hotbars for that encounter or use them well before their "dot" will hit the reflect point..

    I mean, I'm sure healers enjoy the fact that Crusaders own all heals in that zone because how stuff is still broken in there lol..

    It's a reflect function... if other crusaders can "function" their way through it with 0 issue, then I'm sure you're a smart player, since you're probably running through the zone consistently, and can "function" your way through it :)
  13. Flatline Well-Known Member

    done that :) its fun
    Bludd likes this.
  14. Benj Well-Known Member

    I haven't tried against CM Beefcake, but the second boss of Suite of Screams has a reflect. Accidentally hit my Epic 2.0 pet and he started healing the named. Darn thing healed her back to full and absolutely trashed our templar on the heal parse.