Mercenaries need a ride

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Doranius, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. Doranius New Member

    From a roleplaying perspective, when playing with a NPC Mercenary, it is strange to have the mercenary running behind my character while on a mount. It would be nice to be to assign a mount (from my inventory) to the mercenary. When my toon is traveling on mount then so is my mercenary, and when my toon dismounts so does my mercenary. ;)
    Feara and Salavar like this.
  2. Salavar Active Member

    I'm Salavar and I approve this ^^^ message.
  3. SteelPiston Active Member

    It would be nice if they could sit behind you on your mount. I think they disappear completely when you are on a flying mount, but I've never looked down to see if a speck is running along the ground behind me.
  4. Natsume Member

    They do disappear and then teleport. Them sitting beside you would be awesome XD
  5. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    Adding a mount to your merc would double your render times. Mounts are pretty joint/poly intensive.
    Feara, Deveryn, Pijotre and 1 other person like this.
  6. Salavar Active Member

    I don't want my Merc snuggled up behind me, that's a little creepy.
    Mycenia likes this.
  7. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    Having a mounted merc might sound nice, but it tends to get in the way. That's been my experience with the 87 necro tank pet.
  8. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

    Neat idea but yeah, talk about more screen clutter, especially in a crowded hub like the Skyshrine courtyard. Then of course you have mercs that can't ride mounts, like the golems or the lujien, since they use monster models. Having my merc mounted would just annoy me.
  9. Salavar Active Member

    The SS courtyard is mount free, I think he means in areas where mounts would normally be allowed.