Merc zoning in with almost no life

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Rolaryn, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Rolaryn Active Member

    so i completed a "massive boss xp" run, came out was full life me and merc. entered back in...and attacked the 1st mob...and then realized my merc was at like 4% life. no matter what If i zone into a DM, my merc is automatically cut to almost death upon entering. it only takes a few ticks for him to heal, but these dms that are "u are attacked when it starts"...not cool. FIX THIS SOE!!!
  2. Rolaryn Active Member

    Is no one else really having this problem?? Ive switched Mercs and it still is happening.
  3. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Just a suggestion, mind you, but I'd avoid the sociopath dungeons until after they get the bug nailed down (that is, assuming you reported it with /bug).
  4. Faliz Member

    I can vouch for this with mercs. Unfortunately we cannot always tell a sociopath dungeon based on names like "Awesome 300 Dungeon Marks - Solo!!!" and "Awesome Solo Dungeon - 200 Marks - 20 Minutes!!". If only I could give written feedback on those sociopaths who only run their uber SK through their own dungeon and think anyone can do it.
  5. Gudum Active Member

    Having a mob right on top of you used to be a convenience - everyone used to zone in with almost no health or power (which they finally fixed, but apparently not for mercs), so dying and reviving was a fast way to get back to full health/power.