Memory leak?

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by quisling, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. quisling Well-Known Member

    Looks like a the client is leaking memory, i didn't look at other zones but is leaking in the new zone.
  2. Agee Member

    I've noticed for past 2 or so weeks that some of my clients would just "exit" unexpectedly -
    One of my PC's however instead of exiting has client just go all white with a "error encountered <close>" window
    have since found "Out of memory" file is logged in my everquest2 folder

    for past 24hrs - have peroformed following actions:

    Rebooted PC (to start clean)
    loaded EQ2 and placed Alt in TS zone and left him sitting there
    Opened taskmgr "Processes" tab Memory (working set) 1.3GB, commit size 1.4GB
    Watching over next few hous and usage climbs and climbs and climbs
    after 6hrs was at over 2GB Memory with 2.6GB commit size and counts continued to climb
    exited/rebooted/restarted game - back in postiton - back at 1.3Gb memory 1.4GB commit size
    exited/rebooted/restarted game - after mem reached >2.6GB commit size -back in postiton - back at 1.3Gb memory 1.4GB commit size
    exited/rebooted/restarted game - after mem reached >2.6GB commit size -back in postiton - back at 1.3Gb memory 1.4GB commit size

    2hrs later (now) 1.56GB memory 1.68GB commit size and still climbing...

    is this a sign of memory leak - or failure to release memory?

    I archived the Outofmemory file (bit large to post here - but following section seems to have specific info:

    Global MemoryManager Stats:
    LifetimeAllocations: 1813952
    LifetimeFrees: 1377850
    LifetimeMemoryAllocated: 45481740242
    LifetimeMemoryFreed: 43065830166
    CurrentSystemAllocations: 13852
    LifetimeSystemAllocations: 48776
    LifetimeSystemFrees: 34924
    CurrentSystemMemAllocated: 2473656320
    CurrentAllocatedMemory: 2415910076 (97.67% of CurrentSystemMemAllocated)
    CurrentFreeMemory: 43370096 (1.75% of CurrentSystemMemAllocated)
    CurrentAllocatedBlocks: 436102
    CurrentFreeBlocks: 3038
    CurrentUniqueFreeBlocks: 603 (19.85% of CurrentFreeBlocks)
    PeakSystemMemAllocated: 2473656320
    PeakAllocatedMemory: 2415910076
    PeakFreeMemory: 224119856
    PeakFreeBlocks: 5194
    PeakUniqueFreeBlocks: 953
    LifetimeBlockAllocations: 113601190
    LifetimeBlockFrees: 106607789
    CurrentBlockAllocatorTotalSize: 456551792
    CurrentBlockAllocatorFreeSpace: 1098976 (0.24% of CurrentBlockAllocatorTotalSize)
    CurrentBlockTrackerAllocs: 282725
    MutexLocks: 225339837
    MutexWaits: 71832 (0.03% of MutexLocks)
  3. Spindle Well-Known Member

    Berte likes this.
  4. Agee Member

    its been about 40min since Server back for todays update - monitoring of memory usage after zoning into AoM's TS show no rapid climb (at least not yet)
    previous monitoring would have had my memory usage up about 200MB in 40min

    will report again in few hours -

  5. Agee Member

    usage is still climbing but not as fast as before - currently 1.8GB in use 2.1GB commit