Mana Drains

Discussion in 'Troubador' started by ARCHIVED-Jeepned2, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jeepned2 Guest

    I know I'm an idiot for asking, but why do we still have mana drains when everyone else's was changed to damage? Since we are a pretty quiet bunch, and for the most part ignored by SoE, I was just wondering.
  2. ARCHIVED-Azraël Guest

    not enough representation, thus the bugs stay.
    The devs tend to forget that there isn't enough active troubadours in this game in order to have decent feedback on the class.

    No, seriously, the mana drain issue has been discussed by players in all betas yet it's still there,
    at this stage the dev team is making fun of you.

    P.S : i left the game, this is not my account, and given where this game is going i'm going to delete my friend's characters
    because there is no value in being addicted to such a crappy game.

    edited for spelling, sorry i'm french
  3. ARCHIVED-Mewse Guest

    I can't remember the last time I saw a developer or SOE rep post here. Troubadors are the born-out-of-wedlock (the sensor won't let me use the 'b' word) step children of EQ2. Troubadors are the forgotten. Troubadors are alone.
    It is strange that troubadors are among the most desired classes in the game yet troubador problems are generally not addressed unless the problem is one shared by another non-bard class.
  4. ARCHIVED-Thoral Guest

    LOL, you can't claim that the game is not fun for other people, only for yourself. I love playing my troubie even though there may be some bugs. I still buff the begeezus out of my group, debuff encounters, constantly cap people, run fast, never have power problems, solo kite, get invited to tons of raids and groups, and even do a tad of DPS on the side. All I ask for is some ridiculously bright yellow and purple clothes.
  5. ARCHIVED-Mewse Guest

    There was a time I hated playing my troubador. That was back before KoS when you could put a troub on auto-follow and go AFK. No one would notice. I like playing him more since they upped the auto-attack dps. Its just that there has never been a major fix specifically for the troubador class since KoS. I don't know of any in the works now. I am not looking for an upgrade per se. I would like to see some obsolete features replaced with something useful - mana drain for example. I would also like to see our charm duration increased.
  6. ARCHIVED-kittenboy8 Guest

    Actually, the power drains arent bad for pvp
  7. ARCHIVED-Jeepned2 Guest

    Well they remembered us enough to prepare the major nerf of Alin's. Jus wish they remembered us enough to fix some things.
  8. ARCHIVED-aelder~ Guest

    At least Tap Essence gives power to the Troub (albit miniscule). It would be prefereable if Driaing Incursion did the same so it had greater utility to both PvP and PvE troubs.