Mama's Got a Brand New Bag - This Weekend Only!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Dexella, May 9, 2013.

  1. Tekadeo Active Member

    No doubt, I buy my fair share but the pricing on these is bad. So is the implementation really, not a fan of things that can't be had in-game that are this nice
  2. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    I agree with the price being silly for something with 2 extra slots over the 48-slot mastercrafted Metallic reptile hide back backpack and its even a rip-off compared to the new 46-slot thick bear hide backpack.
  3. Rynada New Member

    SOE thinks mom's are worth nothing more than 2 extra slots that they can sell in the store for station cash.... I am a little offended... They could have done something better, double xp... double station cash.... selling me something is NOT showing appreciation... Hey mom I brought you this beautiful flower for Mother's day... oh by the way that will be $5 for the flower.
    Arielle Nightshade likes this.
  4. ColbyJack Well-Known Member

    100 slot bag for a couple bucks? Yeah, sure, I'd go for it on a few characters and for my shared bank.
    2 extra slots for $5? No thanks.
  5. Lucus Well-Known Member

    SOE thinks any holiday/non-soe event is a money-making exercise next you'll see them offering us birthday-exclusive discounts, double sc/triple sc, rebate sales.

    face it if they think they can make money out of something they'll try to do so.

    If they possessed a goose that lays golden eggs you can be sure they'd try to clone it a few hundred times then make a killing of selling golden eggs before the price was at an all time low due to overabundance.
  6. Tekadeo Active Member

    Some of y'all act like they do these things to stack up their riches... They do this to keep their heads above water more than likely. Be glad they are using these avenues to keep the game we all love going.

    That being said the price on these bags is way too high.
  7. Syrtis New Member

    Yeah I don't see that the bags are marked down at all, which is what I was hoping for. Ah well, guess I buy bags some other time for my alts.
  8. oldskool Active Member

    Kind of sad that the bag has no connection to mother's day other than being for sale on that day.

    How difficult would it have been to add some appearance graphic that references mom. Maybe a trail of text as you run around that says, 'mums r g8!'
    Kuulei likes this.
  9. Lucus Well-Known Member

    we dont know ether way but their actions scream "money grab" to me.

    first we get goblin games as a lottery to milk more money they would get if they just retailed all the rewards.

    then we get research potions removed, now it's ether pay the whole way or take the highway again more money for SOE.

    next "don't pay coin for repairs use SC instead"

    and now they increase the price of unlockers and try to push their multi-unlocker pack for the 'discount' they were already getting in single unlocker purchases.

    It just seem excessive to me, personally i'd be happier if they added some perks to subscriptions to influence people to subscribe since alot of the old restrictions no longer apply to free/silver accounts.
  10. Tekadeo Active Member

    On one hand, you may be right, SoE could be doing crazy good numbers and they could just be the evil empire out to steal all our hard-earned moneys. Except everything in the cash shop is 10000% optional. Subscriptions are even optional if you are willing to forego the perks. Seems they are bending over backwards to help "the little guy."
  11. Lucus Well-Known Member

    there are no "evil empires" if it was all about maintaining the game then well and good but this is the real world. they don't make products to supply consumers they do so to make money.

    I'm sure if you look you can find a few 'innocent' companies that claim they have to sack a whole bunch of people in restructuring (i.e moving jobs overseas) due to poor profits then six months down the line they report a huge profit margin. companies work for profit in any way the law allows them to.

    underhanded? yes
    greedy? yes
    evil? no
  12. Tekadeo Active Member

    It's not underhanded or greedy. It's all optional. Would it be cooler if they put some of this cash shop stuff in game for quest rewards or something? Of course. But then who is being greedy? This is an amazing game that might be being held together with chewing gum and duct tape---I'm okay with helping support it when and where I can.

    But we are srsly bird walking here. Just wish these bags were 100sc each.
  13. Gudum Active Member

    Just seems to me that whoever is doing the income projections is doing something wrong. I'm sure there are a few players, mainly the ones with stacks of plat to trade for SC cards, that are going to buy six of these for every toon, but a lower price would generate a lot more sales among the rest of the population, that just isn't going to spend 250 SC per slot for a little extra bag space.

    Of course, only Sony knows the true sales figures, so I'm guessing that the actual sales figures are justifying the pricing.
  14. CharleBeth New Member

    I'm glad I'm not SOE's mama.
  15. CharleBeth New Member

    Whatever, I just seriously love your Viking cat.
  16. Tekadeo Active Member

    Yup those uber Graphic Design classes (intro to Photoshop) working overtime on that guy =P
  17. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Feara likes this.
  18. Finora Well-Known Member

    If that were the case, one would think they'd be savvy enough to put forth something that would be much more popular than a bag with 2 slots over normal bags. Unique plant item lifted from existing game art would have been recieved much better & probably would have sold better as well.

    Hehe, or you could blow a few gold & just buy normal in game bags =)
    (unless you are after the appearances of course)