Malignancy has been NERFED in EoF

Discussion in 'Defiler' started by ARCHIVED-sobek_eq2, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-sobek_eq2 Guest

    Malignancy has been changed (at master 1) from a decrease of all attributes by 32% to a static debuff of 48 to STR, AGI, WIS, STA and INT. This is a HUGE NERF to our debuffing capabilities.

    Message Edited by sobek_eq2 on 11-08-2006 03:18 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-Eileithia Guest

    agree'd major nerfage on that one.. but not too shocked about it. I'm actually shocked this didn't get the nerfbat earlier :smileyindifferent:
  3. ARCHIVED-sobek_eq2 Guest

    Maybe the % need to be change but 48 at master 1 is a joke.
  4. ARCHIVED-Eileithia Guest

    I do have one question though.. does anyone know what the actual INT/WIZ/STR/STA/AGI is on any given mob? is it based on their level?..
    I can see this being a nerf in a PVP environment.. but in a PVE environment this may actually be pretty similar to how it is now depending on what the mobs stats are?!?
  5. ARCHIVED-Vazick Guest

    Complete bull[expletive haxx0red by Raijinn]. So what you are saying is that it doesn't even affect Stamina now?

    Oh well, if they keep this up... this will certainly make the decision to go to Vanguard easier.
    Message Edited by Vazick on 11-08-2006 03:06 PM
  6. ARCHIVED-Aelojia Guest

    No it still affects Stamina. -48 to all stats currently.

    It's just beta, don't flip out yet, things change all the time and we'll work on this one.
  7. ARCHIVED-TheBladesCaress Guest

    I did a beta /feedback on this one.... Malignancy got waaaaay nerfed. We can only hope it was meant to be 48%, but I don't hold out much hope.
  8. ARCHIVED-Vazick Guest

    Ok he didn't inclue STA in the initial post.

    They seriously need to stop tweaking things in PVE to make them fair in PVP. How hard would it be to just code something that debuffs percentages in PVE and raw stats in PVP? Answer, not very.
  9. ARCHIVED-sobek_eq2 Guest

    Opps, I forgot STA - updated my post.
  10. ARCHIVED-sobek_eq2 Guest

    Sorry, I left out stamia.
    No one needs to flip out but you better start submitting feeback and posting if you want it changed because EoF goes live in 6 days. This changes malignancy from a must cast to a why bother debuff. Many classes can debuff twice that value in one or more of those stats.
  11. ARCHIVED-Sokolov Guest

    So... are you all saying that you know for a fact that mobs have more than 150 in each stat? (150*32%=48)
  12. ARCHIVED-Vazick Guest

    Of course we aren't... But I'd venture a guess that they are a hell of a lot higher than that.
  13. ARCHIVED-Sokolov Guest

    Or maybe they have no stats at all, just like they have no resistances.
  14. ARCHIVED-Unwise Guest

    The only thing we can really tell about for stats are the summoner pets. They can possess them then examine their stats. The level 70 Master/Adept III stats tend to be around 250 average. It would be a risky assumption that other NPCs have about the same.

    I wonder if a summoner could use a charming item to take over a mob then possess it? Then we could see what the mobs stats were like.
  15. ARCHIVED-AmandaB Guest

    Good, and its about time. That spell was way overpowered anyways. The bat was heading your way, since Defilers, like how Templars used to be, are too powerful.
  16. ARCHIVED-dacat Guest

    guess percentages was to hard to figure out. Flat numbers are for the birds.
  17. ARCHIVED-Vazick Guest

    Get lost troll.
  18. ARCHIVED-Facedown Guest

    Theres still another week of beta so people need to chill out and quit screaming nerf so much. Before you could use the level 20 version and still have 32% debuff to all attributes, thats WAY to powerful. A lot of debuffs got lowered with the expansion but it wasnt just our class, every other class in the game is feeling it. Hopefully by the time he expansion goes live they will have beefed this up because right now, im almost positive a hex doll can out debuff us and that wont make it to live.
  19. ARCHIVED-Unwise Guest

    There is, and must be, a move away from using percentages in spells. As we can appreciate you cannot scale a % up per tier. A % remains as good at level 70 as it was at level 7. In order to have spell upgrades by level and spell quality be meaningful this spell needs to turn into a static amount of stat debuff.
    That being said, the numbers here are completely crud and I sure hope it changes before going live.
    One thing to take potential comfort in folks, they recently nerfed the stats of pets and I believe other NPCs in Beta down by about 50%. Within that context, the 48 point debuff is really more like 90 in the current system. They are apparently undoing the change to stats though, so I sure hope the debuff amount goes up on this spell line accordingly. I have 'some' confidence that if our debuffs get nerfed, it will be because the mobs stats have also been nerfed.
  20. ARCHIVED-Judist Guest

    Yes, Malignancy is definitly our class defining debuff... whatever the change may be, I hope they keep that in mind.