Major Essences in Skyshrine/CoE?

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-yettii, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-yettii Guest

    Now, its been a good while since I've checked the forums, but with Chains of Eternity looming on the horizon, something makes me wonder - Are Major Essences ever going to make it to modern content?
    At this point it seems rather silly that it seems to be limited to Kael Drakkel and Drunder zones.........and by those, I mean the dungeons. Because I sure haven't seen them in Drunder raids. And they're nowhere in Skyshrine content either. I imagine, without any attention, they won't be in the next expansion either. I wanna hope that this is mostly just due to oversight, since lots of players would love for a chance to get these, but they're not likely to farm older content merely for a chance at a random one.
    Since essences still drop in Skyshrine content, it shouldn't be a stretch to enable Major Essences in various zones where the difficulty warrants it. I know I want easier access to these, yes. But I can't even PAY other players to help me out with various DoV dungeons now. No one considers it worth their time. All I'm asking is to keep the Major Essences coming. Make them obtainable, while keeping them relevant.

    Because seeing only Moderate Essences dropping from the Plane of War is like a punch to the heart.
  2. ARCHIVED-Twyxx Guest

    aren't the dungeon maker greater essences the same thing?
  3. ARCHIVED-Malleria Guest

    Major is the next tier up from greater, and as he said only available rarely from drunder and kael dungeon bosses. It's the difference between for example the ice essence giving permanent ice (major) or flashing to ice for a short time (greater).
  4. ARCHIVED-Ulrichvon Guest

    people still use these things?
    I figured SoE was ignoring handing them out in new content cause they saw it was going largely unused.
  5. ARCHIVED-Malleria Guest

    Easiest solution is just add the major ones to the dungeon maker marketplace at +500 marks, or however much they want to add. You're probably right the feature is largely unused, but it should still be supported to a reasonable degree.
  6. ARCHIVED-yettii Guest

    Ulrichvon wrote:
    They're "largely unused" because there's so few majors to go around, and those that go up for sale want hundreds of plat each. The only two Major Essences of Fire that I've seen on the market for months are up for 1200p each. Hecks no, I'm not giving in to that.
    Majors are in demand, sure. But at this rate, they're sorta being forgotten, since Greater Essences are only maybe 4-5p in comparison. And it just doesn't make sense for Moderate Essences to keep dropping everywhere, but no Majors. I don't know what the whole reasoning is besides simply forgetting them. Keeping them to outdated dungeon content isn't making people want to go back there. I can't even get assistance for DoV dungeons to do the Beastlord Epic (but that's for another thread, which I'll make in a moment). So the proper thing to do would be to get them dropping where people do wanna go, and thats whatever the latest thing is. Keep Major Essences to the tougher dungeons or so if they must, but please bring them back.
  7. ARCHIVED-yettii Guest

    Malleria wrote:
    Yeah....or.......make them craftable?
    I mean, we already have the researchers letting us make Greater Essences (although I can't imagine many using the resources to do so), so why not allow for Major Essences to be made at a greater material cost? I suppose making them craftable would be the easy way out, but an even easier way for us to access them. Some might say that we'd be trivializing them somehow by making them so easier to get, but I'm not really seeing a downside to this. It would also help fuel the game economy a bit by getting money out to the crafters and buying materials.
  8. ARCHIVED-Ulrichvon Guest

    yettii wrote:
    Hmm, if you say so. Your really the first person I've heard say they wish they could get some. No one in my guild has ever mentioned them, ever. I'm pretty sure we just vendor them when they dropped.
  9. ARCHIVED-yettii Guest

    Ulrichvon wrote:
    Wait, seriously? You ARE talking about Major essences, right? What server is this? I can't imagine anyone vendoring items that sell for no less than plat in the double-digits. Even the Major Essence of Runes still go for 50p, minimum, most other types are in the hundreds. (This is on Unrest, btw) Hundreds each simply because of their scarcity, and your guild simply VENDORS them??